Active Ageing desk research – Aktív idősödés háttérkutatás
Antropos Mentálhygiénés Egyesület
Közreműködők: Dr. Leleszi-Tróbert Anett Mária, Prof. Dr. Széman Zsuzsa, Dr. Asztalos Bernadett
Korunk egyik legnagyobb kihívása társadalmunk elöregedése, amely jelentős gazdasági következményekkel jár. Egyre lényegesebbé válik a tudatos készület és tervezés, amelyekkel a felmerülő problémák jó része enyhíthető. Egyúttal lényeges az átlagéletkor kitolódásából fakadó problémák, például a gondozási kihívás, különösen a demencia és az arra adható lehetséges válaszok számba vétele. Elengedhetetlen a prevenció, melynek egyik legfontosabb útja az aktív idősödés lehetővé tétele és megvalósítása egyéni, közösségi és társadalmi szinten, mely előmozdítja az egyén és társadalom lelki egészségét.
Kutatásunk fő célja az Active Ageing hazai vizsgálatának, elmélyítésének támogatása volt desk research kivitelezésével, vagyis az Active Ageing-el kapcsolatos nemzetközi kutatások és jó példák feltárása, különös tekintettel az adaptálhatóságra. Az irodalomkutatás legfontosabb eredményeit az alábbi pontokban foglaltuk össze: Prevenció, Munkaerőpiac, Demencia. A háttérkutatás a Tempus Közalapítvány támogatásával valósult meg.
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Prevenció | Munkaerőpiac | Demencia |
Az aktív idősödés egyik alapeleme a prevenció. A prevenció megelőzés, az aktív testi-lelki-szellemi egészségmegőrzés érdekében tett erőfeszítés. Ahhoz, hogy a társadalom idősödő rétegei integratívan, minél tovább élhessenek aktív életet, a várható élettartam növekedésével az egészségben várható élettartam is növekedjék megelőzés és tudatos felkészülés szükséges. Az idősödő társadalmak kulcskérdése, hogy hogyan tudják a megelőzés stratégiáját megvalósítani.
Kelet-Közép-Európai vonatkozásban prevenció témában a Web Of Science és a Google Scholar 2017-2021 közötti legrelevánsabb, ajánlott tanulmányai a következők:
Szerzők | Cím | Megjelenés helye | Nyelv | Kulcsszavak | Év |
Nogues, M; Millot-Keurinck, J; Iglesia- Gomez, M; Alonso-Bouzon, C; Bewick, M; Bialoszewski, A; Blain, H; Blanckaert, A; Cambona, C; Bonin, M; Bringer, J; Dehaye, JC; Deve, I; Eklund, P; Farrell, J; Fico, G; Flouquet, C; Goldberg, A; Goswani, N; Guldemond, N; Henderson, D; Hinkema, M; Iaccarino, G; Jeandel, C; Kardas, P; Lascaray-Blanc, L; Liotta, G; Maggio, M; Malavasi, M; Malva, JO; Mazuz, K; Monaco, A; Paya, IM; Murray, R; Ninot, G; Nizinska, A; O’Byrne, I; Oddoux, K; Paccard, D; Palummeri, E; Panagiotakis, S; Panagiotis, S; Papadopoulos, H; Perrein, F; Portejoie, F; Ramperez, F; Renier, J; Reuzeau, JC; Roller-Winsberger, R; Touchon, J; Tziraki, C; Visser, F; Bedbrook, A; Riviere, G; Bousquet, J | Active and healthy ageing: From health prevention to personal care. CARSAT-MACVIA 7 meeting. Montpellier, 7-8th December 2015 | EUROPEAN GERIATRIC MEDICINE | English | 2017 | |
Puciato, D; Rozpara, M; Borysiuk, Z | Physical Activity as a Determinant of Quality of Life in Working-Age People in Wroclaw, Poland | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH | English | physical activity; quality of life; working-age | 2018 |
Gerlowska, J; Skrobas, U; Grabowska-Aleksandrowicz, K; Korchut, A; Szklener, S; Szczesniak-Stanczyk, D; Tzovaras, D; Rejdak, K | Assessment of Perceived Attractiveness, Usability, and Societal Impact of a Multimodal Robotic Assistant for Aging Patients With Memory Impairments | FRONTIERS IN NEUROLOGY | English | robotic assistant; service robot; mild cognitive impairments; dementia; acceptability; usability; societal impact | 2018 |
Virag, A; Harkanyi, I; Karoczi, CK; Vass, Z; Kovacs, E | Study of the effects of multimodal exercise program on physical fitness and health perception in community-living Hungarian older adults | JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE AND PHYSICAL FITNESS | English | Physical fitness; Postural balance; Healthy people programs; Walking; Aged | 2018 |
Puciato, DJ; Rozpara, M; Mynarski, W; Olesniewicz, P; Markiewicz-Patkowska, J | ECONOMIC CORRELATES OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN ADULTS | HEALTH PROBLEMS OF CIVILIZATION | English | adults; physical activity; income status | 2019 |
Ignasiak, Z; Sebastjan, A; Slawinska, T; Skrzek, A; Czarny, W; Krol, P; Rzepko, M; Duda-Biernacka, B; Marchewka, A; Filar-Mierzwa, K; Nowacka-Dobosz, S; Dobosz, J; Umiastowska, D | Functional fitness normative values for elderly polish population | BMC GERIATRICS | English | Elderly; Physical fitness; Norms | 2020 |
Klimova, B | Online Brain Training Programs for Healthy Older Individuals | BRAIN FUNCTION ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING | English | brain training; computer; older people; randomized clinical trials; effectiveness | 2017 |
Svobodova, L | DANCE CONTRIBUTION TO IMPROVING PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND HEALTH | 8TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ON KINESIOLOGY | English | inactivity; dance interventions; health benefits; youth; adults; elderly | 2017 |
Baba, EB; Rathonyi, G; Muller, A; Rathonyi-Odor, K; Balogh, P; Adany, R; Bacs, Z | Physical Activity of the Population of the Most Obese Country in Europe, Hungary | FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH | English | international physical activity questionnaire; physical activity; cluster analysis; Hungary; obesity; metabolic equivalent | 2020 |
Pardhan, S; Smith, L; Davis, A; Bourne, R; Barnett, Y; Jacob, L; Koyanagi, A; Radziminski, L; Skalska, M; Jastrzebska, J; Jastrzebski, Z; Lopez-Sanchez, GF | Gender differences in the association between physical activity and obesity in adults with vision and hearing losses | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH | English | 2021 | |
Lionis, C; Midlov, P | Prevention in the elderly: A necessary priority for general practitioners | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF GENERAL PRACTICE | English | Prevention; elderly; health and active ageing; research in general practice | 2017 |
Foster, L; Walker, A | Active Ageing across the Life Course: Towards a Comprehensive Approach to Prevention | BIOMED RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL | English | 2021 | |
Johnson, ST; Martin, C; Anens, E; Johansson, AC; Hellstrom, K | Older Adults’ Opinions on Fall Prevention in Relation to Physical Activity Level | JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY | English | fall prevention; older adults; opinions; physical activity | 2018 |
Arkkukangas, M; Cederbom, S; Tonkonogi, M; Carlsson, OU | Older adults’ experiences with mHealth for fall prevention exercise: usability and promotion of behavior change strategies | PHYSIOTHERAPY THEORY AND PRACTICE | English | Active aging; application; behavior; exercise | 2021 |
Otero, P; Cotardo, T; Blanco, V; Vazquez, FL | Development of a Videogame for the Promotion of Active Aging Through Depression Prevention, Healthy Lifestyle Habits, and Cognitive Stimulation for Middle-to-Older Aged Adults | GAMES FOR HEALTH JOURNAL | English | Health promotion; Active aging; Serious videogame; Graphic adventure; Smartphone app | 2021 |
Helbostad, JL; Vereijken, B; Becker, C; Todd, C; Taraldsen, K; Pijnappels, M; Aminian, K; Mellone, S | Mobile Health Applications to Promote Active and Healthy Ageing | SENSORS | English | healthy ageing; mobile technology; mobile health applications; activity monitoring; smartphones; smartwatches; wristbands | 2017 |
Hu, J; Chien, JH | Aging Affects the Demands and Patterns in Active Control Under Different Sensory-Conflicted Conditions | FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE | English | aging; gait; sensory; perturbation; active control | 2021 |
Santini, S; Piccinini, F; Gagliardi, C | Can a Green Care Informal Learning Program Foster Active Aging in Older Adults? Results From a Qualitative Pilot Study in Central Italy | JOURNAL OF APPLIED GERONTOLOGY | English | health services; learning; longevity; prevention; rural; Active Aging; community-dwelling older adults; day care center | 2020 |
Levy, BR; Chung, PH; Slade, MD; Van Ness, PH; Pietrzak, RH | Active coping shields against negative aging self-stereotypes contributing to psychiatric conditions | SOCIAL SCIENCE & MEDICINE | English | Age stereotypes; Coping; Mental health; PTSD; Depression; Anxiety; Suicidal ideation; Social determinants; Aging | 2019 |
Campelo, AM; Hashim, JA; Weisberg, A; Katz, L | Virtual Rehabilitation in the Elderly: Benefits, Issues, and Considerations | 2017 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON VIRTUAL REHABILITATION (ICVR) | English | Seniors; Virtual Reality; Active aging; Physical Literacy | 2017 |
Orkaby, AR; Forman, DE | Physical activity and CVD in older adults: an expert’s perspective | EXPERT REVIEW OF CARDIOVASCULAR THERAPY | English | Physical activity; CVD; older adults; frailty; cardiovascular disease | 2018 |
Urosevic, V; Paolini, P; Tatsiopoulos, C | An Interactive Environment for Managing Detected Data Towards Geriatric Prevention | 2017 IEEE 3RD INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGIES FOR SOCIETY AND INDUSTRY (RTSI) | English | smart cities; prevention; unobtrusive; behaviour detection; recognition; active healthy ageing; ambient-assisted; Internet of Things; elderly care | 2017 |
King, K; Dow, B; Keogh, L; Feldman, P; Milner, A; Pierce, D; Chenhall, R; Schlichthorst, M | Is Life Worth Living?: The Role of Masculinity in the Way Men Aged Over 80 Talk About Living, Dying, and Suicide | AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MENS HEALTH | English | suicide; men’ s studies; qualitative research; research; healthy aging; development and aging; masculinity | 2020 |
Vazquez, FL; Otero, P; Garcia-Casal, JA; Blanco, V; Torres, AJ; Arrojo, M | Efficacy of video game-based interventions for active aging. A systematic literature review and meta-analysis | PLOS ONE | English | 2018 | |
Bredland, EL; Soderstrom, S; Vik, K | Challenges and motivators to physical activity faced by retired men when ageing: a qualitative study | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH | English | Active ageing; Perceived challenges; Motivators; Social influence; Elderly men; Physical activity; Qualitative study | 2018 |
Grande, G; Qiu, CX; Fratiglioni, L | Prevention of dementia in an ageing world: Evidence and biological rationale | AGEING RESEARCH REVIEWS | English | Dementia; Prevention; Biological mechanisms | 2020 |
Gorlin, Yuriy M.; Lyashok, Victor Yu.; Maleva, Tatiana M. | Pension Age Increase: Positive Effects and the Possible Risks | EKONOMICHESKAYA POLITIKA | Russian | pension age; life expectancy; elderly employment; ageing; pension reform | 2018 |
Wlodarczyk, Dorota; Chyliska, Joanna; Lazarewicz, Magdalena; Rzadkiewicz, Marta; Jaworski, Mariusz; Adamus, Miroslawa; Haugan, Gorill; Lillefjell, Monica; Espnes, Geir Arild | Enhancing Doctors’ Competencies in Communication With and Activation of Older Patients: The Promoting Active Aging (PRACTA) Computer-Based Intervention Study | JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH | English | health services for the aged; active aging; e-learning; general practioners; professional competence; psychosocial competencies; health communication; seniors’ expectations; seniors’ attitude toward treatment and health | 2017 |
Chylinska, Joanna; Lazarewicz, Magdalena; Rzadkiewicz, Marta; Adamus, Miroslawa; Jaworski, Mariusz; Haugan, Gorill; Lillefjel, Monica; Espnes, Geir A.; Wlodarczyk, Dorota | The role of gender in the active attitude toward treatment and health among older patients in primary health care-self-assessed health status and sociodemographic factors as moderators | BMC GERIATRICS | English | Ageing; Health promotion; Men’s health; Gender; Patient adherence | 2017 |
Rowinski, Rafal; Kowalska, Grazyna; Kozakiewicz, Mariusz; Kedziora-Kornatowska, Kornelia; Kornatowski, Maciej; Hawlena, Joanna; Rowinska, Karolina | Physical Activity and Its Determinants among Senior Residents of Podlasie, a Green Region of Poland, Based on the National PolSenior Study | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH | English | physical activity; older people; aging; healthy aging | 2021 |
Fraczkiewicz-Wronka, Aldona; Kowalska-Bobko, Iwona; Sagan, Anna; Wronka-Pospiech, Martyna | The growing role of seniors councils in health policy-making for older people in Poland | HEALTH POLICY | English | Public health; Health policy; Health promotion; Active ageing; Healthy ageing; Older people | 2019 |
Klimova, Blanka | Online Brain Training Programs for Healthy Older Individuals | BRAIN FUNCTION ASSESSMENT IN LEARNING | English | brain training; computer; older people; randomized clinical trials; effectiveness | 2017 |
Szerző(k) | Cím | Forrás | Kulcsszavak | Nyelv | Év |
Agnieszka Sowa-Kofta | Establishing Healthy and Active Ageing Policies in Poland, the Czech Republic and Bulgaria. | Polityka Społeczna | Ageing of the population Health Health care policy Social policy Elderly people | cseh | 2020 |
Agnieszka Sowa-Kofta | Health promotion for the oldest seniors in the social sector: examples of policies and programmes from Poland and the Czech Republic. | Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health | health promotion for older people, healthy ageing, social sector, Czech Republic, Poland | angol | 2017 |
Unt, M., Kazjulja, M., & Krönström, V. | Estonia. | Extended Working Life Policies | Ageing, Eastern Europe, Gender, Extended working life, Estonia, Pension | angol | 2020 |
Foster, D., Masso, M., & Osila, L. | Work accommodations and sustainable working: The role of social partners and industrial relations in the employment of disabled and older people in Estonia, Hungary and Poland | European Journal of Industrial Relations | Ageing workforce, Central-Eastern Europe, demographic change, disabled workers, industrial relations, social partners, sustainable work, work accommodations | angol | 2020 |
Soja, E., Soja, P., Kolkowska, E., Kirikova, M., & Muceniece, A. | Supporting Seniors in Independent and Healthy Ageing through ICT: Insights from a Value-Focused Thinking Study in Latvia, Poland and Sweden. | Proceedings of the 54th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences | Information and Communications Technology, ICT; | angol | 2021 |
Zaidi, A., Harper, S., Howse, K., Lamura, G., & Perek-Białas, J. | Building evidence for active ageing policies: Active Ageing Index and its potential | Springer | Active Ageing Index | angol | 2018 |
Kaščáková, A., & Martinkovičová, M. | Active ageing in Slovakia. | Studia i Dyskusje | ageing indicators, silver generation, active ageing, healthy ageing, well-being and leisure | angol | 2019 |
Čančer, V., & Rožman, M. | The Model of Friendly Work Environment for Older Employees in Slovenia. | In Proceedings of the ENTRENOVA-ENTerprise REsearch InNOVAtion Conference | friendly work environment, older employees, structural equation modeling | angol | 2020 |
Sowa, A., Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B., Topór-Mądry, R., Poscia, A., & La Milia, D. I. | Predictors of healthy ageing: public health policy targets. | BMC health services research | physical activity, healthy ageing, social participation | angol | 2016 |
Ostrovidov Jakšić, A., & Jakšić, I. | How to prolong labour market participation in the Republic of Croatia? | Public sector economics | older workers, working life, labour market, Croatia | angol | 2019 |
Hlebec, V., & Rakar, T. | Ageing Policies in Slovenia: Before and After” Austerity” | International Cooperation, Lifelong Learning, University of the Third Age, Ageing, Third Age, Fourth Age, Older Persons Care, Turkey, Informal Care, Intergenerational Solidarity, Cultural Programs, Active Ageing, Long-Term Care Institution, Generational Gap, Age Management, Employment Policies | angol | 2017 | |
Rădoi, M., Irimescu, G., & Lupu, A. L | Healthy and Active Aging. Social Determinants and Policies. | Decisions and Trends in Social Systems | older workers | angol | 2021 |
Társadalmunk elöregszik, az aktív korúak – foglalkoztatottak rétege szűkül, növekszik az időskorúak eltartottsági rátája. Egyre fontosabbá válik az idősödők társadalmi részvétele, melynek egyik lényeges pontja a munkaerőpiaci aktivitás.
A témához kötődő jelentősebb ajánlott, Kelet-Közép Európában megjelent szakirodalmak (adatbázis: Web Of Science, keresés éve: 2021):
Szerző(k) | Cím | Forrás | Nyelv | Kulcsszavak | Megjelenés |
Weziak-Bialowolska, D; Bialowolski, P | Associations of recognition at work with subsequent health and quality of life among older working adults | INTERNATIONAL ARCHIVES OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH | English | Recognition for work; Quality of life; Health outcomes; Culture of health; SHARE | |
Pit, S; Fisk, M; Freihaut, W; Akintunde, F; Aloko, B; Berge, B; Burmeister, A; Ciacaru, A; Deller, J; Dulmage, R; Han, TH; Hao, Q; Honeyman, P; Huber, PC; Linner, T; Lundberg, S; Nwamara, M; Punpuing, K; Schramm, J; Yamada, H; Yap, JCH | COVID-19 and the ageing workforce: global perspectives on needs and solutions across 15 countries | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH | English | Ageing; COVID-19; health equity; employment; planning; workforce; international; solution | 2021 |
Bratun, U; Asaba, E | Experiences and motives of retirement-aged workers during the first wave of COVID-19 in Slovenia: This was the first time in 40 years that I really saw spring | JOURNAL OF AGING STUDIES | English | Active aging; Coronavirus; Gerotranscendence; Meaningful activity; Prolonged work activity; Qualitative study | 2021 |
Martincevic, M; Vranic, A | The higher, the better: Cognitive reserve contributes to lifestyle activities in older age | APPLIED NEUROPSYCHOLOGY-ADULT | English | Aging; cognitive reserve; everyday activities; fluid intelligence; physical activities | |
Prokopenko, NA | Change in the Institutional Environment to Extend the Individual Period of Active Work Life | ADVANCES IN GERONTOLOGY | English | demographic aging; labor resources; labor potential; retirement age; older workers; age discrimination; labor legislation | 2021 |
Aidukaite, J; Blaziene, I | Longer working lives – what do they mean in practice – a case of the Baltic countries | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY AND SOCIAL POLICY | English | Older people; Labour market; Ageing; Baltic countries; Nordic countries | |
Pereira, H; Feher, G; Tibold, A; Costa, V; Monteiro, S; Esgalhado, G | Mediating Effect of Burnout on the Association between Work-Related Quality of Life and Mental Health Symptoms | BRAIN SCIENCES | English | burnout; work-related quality of life; mental health; depression; anxiety; somatization | 2021 |
Jovanovic, M; De Angeli, A; McNeill, A; Coventry, L | User Requirements for Inclusive Technology for Older Adults | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER INTERACTION | English | 2021 | |
Desfonteines, LG; Korchagina, EV | POTENTIAL OF THE SILVER GENERATION OF MODERN RUSSIA | PSIKHOLOGICHESKII ZHURNAL | Russian | labor market; silver economy; value orientations; social activity; demographic factors; silver generation | 2021 |
Punchik, B; Tkacheva, O; Runikhina, N; Sharashkina, N; Ostapenko, V; Samson, T; Freud, T; Press, Y | Ageism Among Physicians and Nurses in Russia | REJUVENATION RESEARCH | English | attitude toward older adults; Fraboni scale; health care professionals | 2021 |
Soosaar, O; Puur, A; Leppik, L | Does raising the pension age prolong working life? Evidence from pension age reform in Estonia | JOURNAL OF PENSION ECONOMICS & FINANCE | English | Employment; older workers; retirement age | 2021 |
Barkov, SA; Markeeva, AV | Young and Aged Employees in the Russian Labour Market: Confrontation or Complementarity? | POSTMODERN OPENINGS | English | intergenerational conflicts; labour market; employment; generations; retired persons; professional training; retraining; active ageing; young employees; ageing employees | 2021 |
Butakova, LO; Goots, EN; Orlova, NV; Kharlamova, MA | Self-identification of people at the age of late adulthood: a comprehensive linguistic study | SIBIRSKII FILOLOGICHESKII ZHURNAL | Russian | late adulthood; self-identification; social group; semantic gestalt; text concept; associative-semantic concept deployment | 2021 |
Bartkowiak, G; Krugielka, A; Dachowski, R; Galek, K; Kostrzewa-Demczuk, P | Attitudes of Polish entrepreneurs towards knowledge workers aged 65 plus in the context of their good employment practices | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION | English | Workers in age 65 plus; Knowledge workers; Good practices; Biplots; Multi-criteria statistical analysis | 2021 |
Brecko, D | Intergenerational Cooperation and Stereotypes in Relation to Age in the Working Environment | CHANGING SOCIETIES & PERSONALITIES | English | generations at workplace; characteristics of generations; older workers; age management; age-related stereotypes and discrimination; work attitude of different generations | 2021 |
Cherkasov, S; Shapovalova, M; Boyko, Y; Fedyaeva, A; Shiroky, A; Polozkov, O; Orlov, F | SUBJECTIVE AND OBJECTIVE CHARACTERISTICS OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY IN OLDER ADULTS | ARCHIV EUROMEDICA | English | public health; population of older age groups; physical activity | 2021 |
Cwirlej-Sozanska, A; Widelak, M; Wiernasz, M; Wawrzykowska, I; Turkosz, N | AN ASSESSMENT OF THE WORK ABILITY, DISABILITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF WORKING PEOPLE OF PRE-RETIREMENT AND RETIREMENT AGE IN POLAND – A CROSS-SECTIONAL PILOT STUDY | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH | English | quality of life; disability; Work Ability Index; work ability; older workers; pre-retirement and retirement age | 2021 |
Galkin, K | Aging Assemblies in Various Environments: The Use of Material Optics | SOCIOLOGICESKOE OBOZRENIE | Russian | aging; the older; nursing home; separate accommodation for the older; material gerontology; agency of the older | 2021 |
Giltman, M; Antosik, L; Tokareva, O; Obukhovich, N | INCREASING PENSION AGE IN RUSSIA: 2019 RESULTS. CASE STUDY: TYUMEN REGION | VOPROSY GOSUDARSTVENNOGO I MUNITSIPALNOGO UPRAVLENIYA-PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION ISSUES | Russian | labor market; unemployment; registered unemployment; unemployment benefits; retirement age; pre-retirees; economic activity | 2021 |
Gimpelson, VE; Zinchenko, DI | Physicists and lyricists: Whom the Russian labor market values higher? | VOPROSY EKONOMIKI | Russian | STEM; wage; age; cohorts; age-wage profile | 2021 |
Hakman, A; Andrieieva, O; Kashuba, V; Duditska, S; Horiuk, P; Khrypko, I; Tomilina, Y; Kljus, O; Lukashiv, T | Influence of physical working capacity on quality of life and life satisfaction in old-age population of Ukraine | JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT AND EXERCISE | English | Old age; Physical activity; Quality of life; Life satisfaction | 2021 |
Kalabina, EG; Gazizova, MR; Khussainova, ZS | Structural Dynamics of Employment of Older People in the Eurasian Economic Union Countries | EKONOMIKA REGIONA-ECONOMY OF REGION | Russian | Eurasian Economic Union; population ageing; employment of older people; structural shift indices; types of economic activity; sectoral structure of the labour market; promotion of employment of older people; entrepreneurship of older people; labour employment; structural employment | 2021 |
Pinkovetskaia, IS | The age structure of the scientific and pedagogical staff: data from the regions of Russia | REVISTA TEMPOS E ESPACOS EDUCACAO | English | Age of teachers; Higher education; Number of faculty; Regions of Russia | 2021 |
Vasileva, TP; Yakushin, MA; Makarova, EV; Reshetnikova, PI; Shukurlaeva, GE; Vasilev, MD | Executive functions and quality of life of russian scientists | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF TRANSLATIONAL MYOLOGY | English | Quality of life; cognitive functions; scientists; academics; SF-36 survey; cognitive screening; aging | 2021 |
Zepic, ZM | Improvement of Cognitive Abilities of Older Employees With Computerized Cognitive Training (CCT) | IFAC PAPERSONLINE | English | human brain; digital computer applications; training; computer work; human aspect of safety and risk engineering | 2021 |
Znidarsic, J; Kogovsek, M; Kogovsek, M; Ograjensek, I | It Is Never too Late to Learn: The Role of Organizational Support in Older Employees’ Learning | REVIJA ZA SOCIJALNU POLITIKU | English | workforce aging; older employees; motivation for learning; age management | 2021 |
Zudina, AA | Older Workers in the Russian Informal Sector | MIR ROSSII-UNIVERSE OF RUSSIA | Russian | older workers; informal sector; labour market; retirement; Russia; Labour Force Survey | 2021 |
Lewandowski, P; Keister, R; Hardy, W; Gorka, S | Ageing of routine jobs in Europe | ECONOMIC SYSTEMS | English | Task content of jobs; Deroutinisation; Occupational change; Technological change; O*NET | 2020 |
Moreno-Agostino, D; Stone, AA; Schneider, S; Koskinen, S; Leonardi, M; Naidoo, N; Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B; Haro, JM; Miret, M; Kowal, P; Ayuso-Mateos, JL; Chatterji, S | Are Retired People Higher in Experiential Wellbeing Than Working Older Adults? A Time Use Approach | EMOTION | English | retirement; experienced happiness; Day Reconstruction Method; low- and middle-income countries | 2020 |
Foster, D; Masso, M; Osila, L | Work accommodations and sustainable working: The role of social partners and industrial relations in the employment of disabled and older people in Estonia, Hungary and Poland | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS | English | Ageing workforce; Central-Eastern Europe; demographic change; disabled workers; industrial relations; social partners; sustainable work; work accommodations | 2021 |
Malinska, M; Bugajska, J | Assessment of the impact of lifestyle and psychosocial working conditions on older employees’ work ability | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS | English | work ability; work ability index; lifestyle; psychosocial working conditions; ageing employees | 2021 |
Bratun, U; Zurc, J | The motives of people who delay retirement: An occupational perspective | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY | English | Active ageing; occupational science; occupational therapy; older workers; qualitative method; reward; self-transcendence; work engagement | |
Husic, JB; Melero, FJ; Barakovic, S; Lameski, P; Zdravevski, E; Maresova, P; Krejcar, O; Chorbev, I; Garcia, NM; Trajkovik, V | Aging at Work: A Review of Recent Trends and Future Directions | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH | English | aging at work; discrimination; growth; deficit; assistance; policy; legislation | 2020 |
Zeer, EF; Symanyuk, EE; Ryabukhina, AA; Borisov, GI | PSYCHOLOGICAL PECULIARITIES OF PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN LATE ADULTHOOD | OBRAZOVANIE I NAUKA-EDUCATION AND SCIENCE | Russian | professional development; late adulthood; motivation; quality of life; mentoring; factors of professional development | 2020 |
Vranic, A; Martincevic, M; Borella, E | Mental imagery training in older adults: Which are benefits and individual predictors? | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GERIATRIC PSYCHIATRY | English | memory training; mental imagery; older adults; strategies | 2021 |
Fedosyuk, D | SPECIFICITY OF SOCIAL ADAPTATION AMONG UNIVERSITY TEACHERS OF PRE-RETIREMENT AGE | LAPLAGE EM REVISTA | English | Social adaptation; University professors; Pre-retirement age; Indicators of scientific activity | 2020 |
Ramia, I; Voicu, M | Life Satisfaction and Happiness Among Older Europeans: The Role of Active Ageing | SOCIAL INDICATORS RESEARCH | English | Active ageing; Quality of life; Subjective wellbeing; Life satisfaction; Happiness | |
Bartkowiak, G; Krugielka, A; Dachowski, R; Galek, K; Kostrzewa-Demczuk, P | Attitudes of Polish Entrepreneurs towards 65+Knowledge Workers in the Context of Their Pro-Social Attitude and Organizational Citizenship Behavior | SUSTAINABILITY | English | attitudes of entrepreneurs; 65+knowledge workers; citizenship behavior | 2020 |
Pavlova, IA; Nedospasova, OP | The Resource Potential of the Older Generation: From Defining the Term to Developing Recommendations for Enhancing Its Realization in Society | TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL | Russian | resource potential; human potential; older generation; well-being; Tomsk Oblast | 2020 |
De Angeli, A; Jovanovic, M; McNeill, A; Coventry, L | Desires for active ageing technology | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN-COMPUTER STUDIES | English | Older adults; Active ageing technology; User requirements; User desires; Design guidelines | 2020 |
Manga, A; Vakli, P; Vidnyanszky, Z | The influence of anticipated monetary incentives on visual working memory performance in healthy younger and older adults | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS | English | 2020 | |
Stambuk, A; Uroda, I; Andelic, N | ADJUSTMENT AND EARLY RETIREMENT INTENTIONS OF THE OLDER WORKERS IN THE CROATIAN PUBLIC SECTOR | EKONOMSKI VJESNIK | English | Population ageing; older workers; early retirement; Personal Computer (PC) related requirements and skills; public sector; early retirement intentions and decisions | 2020 |
van der Heijden, BIJM; Houkes, I; van den Broeck, A; Czabanowska, K | I Just Can’t Take It Anymore: How Specific Work Characteristics Impact Younger Versus Older Nurses’ Health, Satisfaction, and Commitment | FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY | English | nurses; labor relations; work content; conditions of employment; burnout; job satisfaction; institutional affective commitment; age | 2020 |
Gyorffy, B; Csuka, G; Herman, P; Torok, A | Is there a golden age in publication activity?-an analysis of age-related scholarly performance across all scientific disciplines | SCIENTOMETRICS | English | Scientific performance; Citation; ERC; HSWA; Scientific discipline | 2020 |
Berde, E; Rigo, M | Job satisfaction at older ages A comparative analysis of Hungarian and German data | ZEITSCHRIFT FUR GERONTOLOGIE UND GERIATRIE | English | Early retirement; Pension reforms; Demographic change; Working conditions; European Working Conditions Survey | 2020 |
Hammer, B; Spitzer, S; Vargha, L; Istenic, T | The gender dimension of intergenerational transfers in Europe | JOURNAL OF THE ECONOMICS OF AGEING | English | 2020 | |
Barsukov, VN; Kalachikova, ON | The Evolution of Demographic and Social Construction of the Age of Old Age | ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES-FACTS TRENDS FORECAST | Russian | age of old age; population ageing; older generation; social construction | 2020 |
Broniatowska, P; Majchrowska, A; Nasinski, M | 0 Age Structure of Employment and Wages. An Analysis Across Occupational Groups | CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC MODELLING AND ECONOMETRICS | English | employment structure; workforce aging; wages; occupational groups; Mincer-type wage equation | 2020 |
Grah, B; Colnar, S; Dimovski, V; Penger, S | Age management in the context of Industry 4.0 and beyond | IFAC PAPERSONLINE | English | Industry 4.0; smart working environment; age management | 2020 |
Jelenko, J | The Role of Intergenerational Differentiation in Perception of Employee Engagement and Job Satisfaction among Older and Younger Employees in Slovenia | CHANGING SOCIETIES & PERSONALITIES | English | intergenerational differentiation; age discrimination in the workplace; job satisfaction; employee engagement; older workers; younger workers; age-related value | 2020 |
Kartuzova, M | Work Practices of Older Population Groups: Reasons for Choice | JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY-EKONOMICHESKAYA SOTSIOLOGIYA | Russian | self-employment; e-employment; older workers; senior entrepreneurship; bridge employment; work practices of older population groups | 2020 |
Kratt, O; Kirnos, I | Cross-national analysis of the older workers’ employment rate | INNOVATIVE ECONOMIC SYMPOSIUM 2019 – POTENTIAL OF EURASIAN ECONOMIC UNION (IES2019) | English | Global Age Watch Index; Golden Age Index; older people; ranking; productive ageing policy; labor market; duration of working life | 2020 |
Kutovaya, SV | ELDERLY PEOPLE’S ACTIVITY IN SOCIOECONOMIC SPHERE | SOTSIOLOGICHESKIE ISSLEDOVANIYA | Russian | social and economic activity; labor activity; labor market; elderly people; financial practices; professional qualities; employment; unemployment; state preferences | 2020 |
Lenkov, SL; Rubtsova, NE; Alexandrov, BV | Scale of Convicts ‘ Attitude To Work | PSYCHOLOGY AND LAW | Russian | work; attitude to work; convicts; psychodiagnostic methods; psychometric properties; positive work experience; education; qualifications; professionalism; value of work | 2020 |
Marcinkiewicz-Wilk, A | LEARNING IN LATE ADULTHOOD IN THE LIGHT OF BIOGRAPHICAL RESEARCH | JOURNAL OF EDUCATION CULTURE AND SOCIETY | English | older people; learning in older age; education; adult education; non-formal education; informal education | 2020 |
Markiewicz, K; Gas, ZB | NATURE OF THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN WORK AND FAMILY SATISFACTION IN WOMEN | ACTA NEUROPSYCHOLOGICA | English | job satisfaction; family satisfaction; age; length of service; job position | 2020 |
Niewiadomska, A; Sobolewska-Poniedzialek, E | Employment Related Contex of Silver Economy in Poland | DEVELOPMENT AND ADMINISTRATION OF BORDER AREAS OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC AND POLAND: SUPPORT FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT, RASPO 2020 | English | labour market; economic activity of the elderly; elderly people; silver economy | 2020 |
Obadic, A; Pavkovic, A; Marosevic, K | WORKFORCE AND FINANCIAL CHALLENGES OF POPULATION AGING – A REGIONAL PERSPECTIVE | AGING SOCIETY: Rethinking and Redesigning Retirement | English | working-age population; older people; financial indicators; regional perspective | 2020 |
Onishchenko, EV; Sidorchuk, TA | The Phenomenon of Russian Gerontogenesis: Historical Experience and Development Strategy | VI INTERNATIONAL FORUM ON TEACHER EDUCATION | English | senior citizen; gerontological education; continuing education; ‘Third Age Institution’; traditional educational technologies; innovative educational technologies | 2020 |
Paimre, M | Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour of Working and Non-working Estonian Older Adults as Compared to Students | PROCEEDINGS OF THE 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES FOR AGEING WELL AND E-HEALTH (ICT4AWE) | English | Online Health Information Seeking Behaviour (OHISB); Digital Divide; Older Adults; Young People; Estonia | 2020 |
Polskaya, S | OLDER LEARNERS VS. YOUNGER LEARNERS: WHO IS BETTER AT FOREIGN LANGUAGE VOCABULARY ACQUISITION? | 14TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (INTED2020) | English | Foreign language acquisition; second language acquisition; learners of various age; vocabulary acquisition; learning strategies | 2020 |
Popova, LA; Zorina, EN | Implementing Active Aging in the Labor Sphere (Case Study of the Republic of Komi) | ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES-FACTS TRENDS FORECAST | Russian | demographic aging; older population; active aging; retirement age; resource potential; labor activity; daily engagement; Komi Republic | 2020 |
Rakowska, A; de Juana-Espinosa, S; Mendryk, I | WELL-BEING AND JOB SATISFACTION OF EMPLOYEES AGED 50+, PERCEIVED ORGANIZATIONAL SUPPORT FOR DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION | ARGUMENTA OECONOMICA | English | Innovative companies; age; employee well-being; job satisfaction; personal development; perceived organizational support | 2020 |
Rozman, M; Treven, S; Cancer, V | The impact of promoting intergenerational synergy on the work engagement of older employees in Slovenia | JOURNAL OF EAST EUROPEAN MANAGEMENT STUDIES | English | Intergenerational synergy; older employees; work engagement | 2020 |
Sidenkova, A; Litvinenko, V; Kalinin, I | The mechanisms of the protective effect of education in cognitive aging | INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE LONGEVITY INTERVENTIONS 2020 (ICLI 2020) | English | 2020 | |
Ustinova, KA; Gordievskaya, AN | Influence of Health Status on Social Activity of Older Population | ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES-FACTS TRENDS FORECAST | Russian | older population; health; social activity; need to achieve | 2020 |
Vasilyeva, YV; Shuraleva, SV | AGE AS A FACTOR OF EMPLOYEE’S VULNERABILITY IN LABOR LAW | VESTNIK PERMSKOGO UNIVERSITETA-JURIDICHESKIE NAUKI | Russian | age in labor law; vulnerable groups; minors; youth; women of childbearing age; older persons; persons of pre-retirement age; workers of retirement age; discrimination; ageism | 2020 |
Vilciauskaite, B; Savaneviciene, A; Navickas, V | MANAGING OLDER TALENTS IN THE CONTEXT OF AGING SOCIETY | ECONOMICS & SOCIOLOGY | English | talent; talent management; older talent; older worker; career development; ageing | 2020 |
Vilkoityte, V; Skuciene, D | Elderly Attitudes on the Continuity of Working Careers | SOCIALINE TEORIJA EMPIRIJA POLITIKA IR PRAKTIKA | Lithuanian | aging; labour market; attitudes towards work | 2020 |
Ziha, N; SukaZiC, M | ROMAN VIEWS ON ‘ACTIVE AGEING’ – LESSONS AGAINST AGEISM | EU 2020 – LESSONS FROM THE PAST AND SOLUTIONS FOR THE FUTURE | English | active ageing; ageism; ancient Roman society; Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU; discrimination | 2020 |
Grah, B; Perme, E; Colnar, S; Penger, S | Age Management: What Can we Learn from High-End Luxury Fashion Designer with More than 50 Years of Working Experience? | ORGANIZACIJA | English | Adult learning; Older workers; Retirement; Age management; Fashion industry; Intrinsic motivation; Vitality; Slovenia | 2019 |
Grgas, S | UNIFORMITY AND DIFFERENCE OF AGEING | ANAFORA | English | ageing; American Studies; American Adam; youth; Trump; R.W.B. Lewis | 2019 |
Pranjic, N; Gonzales, JMG; Cvejanov-Kezunovic, L | PERCEIVED WORK ABILITY INDEX OF PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES IN RELATION TO AGEING AND GENDER: A COMPARISON IN THREE EUROPEAN COUNTRIES | ZDRAVSTVENO VARSTVO | English | ageing; gender; work ability; public sector employees | 2019 |
Zmauc, T; Zeleznik, D; Tezak, O | Relationship between Selection, Optimization and Compensation and the Work Ability of Nurses over Fifty Years of Age | ORGANIZACIJA | English | Nursing; work ability index; selection; optimization and compensation; successful aging | 2019 |
Grigorescu, A; Pirciog, S; Lincaru, C | Self-employment and unemployment relationship in Romania – Insights by age, education and gender | ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA | English | self-employment; employee’s rate; entrepreneurship; sustainability; labour market effects | 2020 |
Berde, E; Tokes, L | The platform economy as a working opportunity for older people The case of the Hungarian carpooling company Oszkar | JOURNAL OF ENTERPRISING COMMUNITIES-PEOPLE AND PLACES IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY | English | Gig economy; Older labour market participants; Own-account self-employed | 2019 |
Gostautaite, B; Buciuniene, I; Milasauskiene, Z | HRM and work outcomes: the role of basic need satisfaction and age | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT | English | Aging; work engagement; patient-orientation; self-determination; HRM | |
Gimpelson, VE; Zinchenko, DI | Cost of getting older: Wages of older age workers | VOPROSY EKONOMIKI | Russian | wage; age-wage profile; age groups; pre-retirement and retirement age; wage differentiation | 2019 |
Lukyanova, AL; Kapeliushnikov, RI | Older workers in the Russian labor market: Trends in employment reallocation | VOPROSY EKONOMIKI | Russian | ageing; older workers; employment; retirement; retirement age; industrial composition of employment | 2019 |
Istenic, T; Sambt, J | Changing patterns of transfers in Slovenia in the last three decades: transition from a socialist economy to a market economy | POST-COMMUNIST ECONOMIES | English | National transfer accounts; public transfers; private transfers; socialism; Slovenia | 2019 |
Craciun, IC; Rasch, S; Flick, U; Hirseland, A | Too Old to Work: Views on Reemployment in Older Unemployed Immigrants in Germany | AGEING INTERNATIONAL | English | Globalization/immigration; Immigrants; Qualitative research methods; Health; Workforce issues; Ageism | 2019 |
Mickeviciene, D; Rutkauskaite, R; Valanciene, D; Karanauskiene, D; Brazaitis, M; Skurvydas, A | Children, Young Adults, and Older Adults Choose Different Fast Learning Strategies | JOURNAL OF AGING AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY | English | age; fast motor learning; intraindividual variability; speed-accuracy task | 2019 |
Emelyanova, TP; Drobysheva, TV | The structure of social notions in jobless people of various ages | VOPROSY PSIKHOLOGII | Russian | social notions; collective; symbolic coping; financial anxiety; value orientations; jobless people | 2019 |
Hernaus, T; Maric, M; Cerne, M | Age-sensitive job design antecedents of innovative work behavior The role of cognitive job demands | JOURNAL OF MANAGERIAL PSYCHOLOGY | English | Innovation; Ageing; Job demands; Job characteristics; Creativity | 2019 |
Puciato, D | Sociodemographic Associations of Physical Activity in People of Working Age | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH | English | physical activity; demographic factors; social factors; working age; city; population studies | 2019 |
Piotrowska, M | FACETS OF COMPETITIVENESS IN IMPROVING THE PROFESSIONAL SKILLS | JOURNAL OF COMPETITIVENESS | English | competitiveness; employees; skills; motivators | 2019 |
Zaniboni, S; Kmicinska, M; Truxillo, DM; Kahn, K; Paladino, MP; Fraccaroli, F | Will you still hire me when I am over 50? The effects of implicit and explicit age stereotyping on resume evaluations | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF WORK AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY | English | Ageism; hiring discrimination; age stereotypes; implicit attitudes; resume screening | 2019 |
Klepikova, EA | Age Discrimination in Hiring: An Experimental Study | EKONOMICHESKAYA POLITIKA | Russian | ageism; age discrimination; discrimination in hiring; field experiment; correspondence study | 2019 |
Bielawska, K | Economic activity of Polish pensioners in the light of quantitative research | EQUILIBRIUM-QUARTERLY JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS AND ECONOMIC POLICY | English | retirement; economic activity; regular work; occasional work | 2019 |
Endovitsky, D; Durakova, I | ECONOMIC AND STATISTICAL ANALYSIS IN THE POLICY FORMATION TO PROLONGATION THE WORK CAPACITY OF OLDER WORKERS | INDO AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES | English | labor market; age workers; ageism; mobbing; extension of working capacity | 2019 |
Berde, E | Older People in the Platform Economy | FRONTIERS IN SOCIOLOGY | English | older workers; platform; online survey; Bayesian game; age discrimination | 2019 |
Galic, Z; Kovacic, P; Vehovec, M | QUALITY OF WORKING LIFE AMONG 50+EMPLOYEES ACROSS THE EU: A DOUBLE JEOPARDY FOR CROATIAN OLDER WORKERS | DRUSTVENA ISTRAZIVANJA | English | older workers; quality of working life; job quality; job satisfaction; Croatia; EU | 2019 |
Rozman, M; Grinkevich, A; Tominc, P | Occupational Stress, Symptoms of Burnout in the Workplace and Work Satisfaction of the Age-diverse Employees | ORGANIZACIJA | English | Occupational stress; burnout; symptoms of burnout; age-diverse employees; work satisfaction | 2019 |
Balynin, IV; Mikhaylova, AG; Atanasovska, YV | How Successfully Pension Reform Can be Implemented in the Russian Federation? | VISION 2025: EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS THROUGH SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE | English | pension provision; pension reform; pensions; social security; human capital | 2019 |
Barkovic Bojanic, I | THE AGING SOCIETY: A CHALLENGE FOR POLICY MAKERS | INTERDISCIPLINARY MANAGEMENT RESEARCH XV (IMR) | English | population aging; demographic trends; baby boomers; public policy | 2019 |
Butlewski, M; Jach, K | Evaluation of Organizational Innovations Targeted at the Work Activation of People Aged 50 and Over – A Pilot Study | VISION 2025: EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND MANAGEMENT OF INNOVATIONS THROUGH SUSTAINABLE ECONOMIC COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE | English | age management; ergonomics; health care; aging ergonomics | 2019 |
Chojak, A | The effectiveness of working memory training with the use of n-back task in a group of older adults | NEUROPSYCHIATRIA I NEUROPSYCHOLOGIA | Polish | working memory; n-back task; aging; neuroplasticity | 2019 |
Dimovski, V; Grah, B; Colnar, S | Modelling the industrial workforce dynamics and exit in the ageing society | IFAC PAPERSONLINE | English | 2019 | |
Goszczynska, E | WORKPLACE HEALTH PROMOTION AS A TOOL FOR REDUCING THE CONSEQUENCES OF AGEING OF THE WORKING POPULATION | MEDYCYNA PRACY | Polish | health promotion; ageing of the society; workforce; workplace; effectiveness of health promotion; older employee | 2019 |
Grigor’eva, IA; Ukhanova, YV; Smoleva, EO | Transformation of Social Policy in Russia in the Context of Population Ageing | ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES-FACTS TRENDS FORECAST | Russian | ageing; active longevity; employment; social services for the elderly; intersectoral interaction | 2019 |
Pilat, A; Wilga, M; Leonardi, M; Vlachou, A; Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B | CHALLENGES FOR THE LABOR MARKET: 2 COMPLEMENTARY APPROACHES TO PREMATURE CESSATION OF OCCUPATIONAL ACTIVITY | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH | English | Poland; chronic disease; older workers; early retirement; early exit from work; labor force | 2019 |
Rozman, M; Treven, S; Mulej, M; Cancer, V | Creating a healthy working environment for older employees as part of social responsibility | KYBERNETES | English | Work engagement; Social responsibility; Human resources management; Healthy working environment; Older employees | 2019 |
Skufina, T; Baranov, S; Samarina, V; Korchak, E | INCREASING GDP PRODUCTION IN THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION AND RAISING THE RETIREMENT AGE: IS THERE A CONNECTION? | AD ALTA-JOURNAL OF INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH | English | Russia; pension reform; raising the retirement age; modeling; economic growth; GDP production | 2019 |
Sobolewska-Poniedzialek, E | Implications of Lifelong Learning for the Development of Silver Economy in Poland and Spain | EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AND INNOVATION MANAGEMENT THROUGH VISION 2020 | English | lifelong learning; formal and informal education; silver economy; elderly | 2019 |
Stuken, T; Korzhova, O | Strategic personnel management: context of retirement age reform in Russia | STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT | English | Personnel management; ageism; older workers | 2019 |
Kosowski, T | The Notion of Age in Organizational Research | JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT AND BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION-CENTRAL EUROPE | English | workforce; age diversity management; chronological age; generational segmentation; systematic literature review | 2018 |
Cojocari, T; Cupcea, R | Aging in Moldova:A Country With Orphan Older Adults | GERONTOLOGIST | English | Republic of Moldova; Research on aging; Financial crisis; Migration; Security social system | 2018 |
Gaal, ZA; Czigler, I | Task-Switching Training and Transfer | JOURNAL OF PSYCHOPHYSIOLOGY | English | task-switching; aging; N2; P3; cognitive training; longitudinal; transfer | 2018 |
Wyganowska, M | A Study of the Correlation between Age and the Number of Work Accidents in Mining Enterprises between 2003-2017 | INZYNIERIA MINERALNA-JOURNAL OF THE POLISH MINERAL ENGINEERING SOCIETY | English | work accidents; employee age; mining enterprises | 2018 |
Vishnevsky, AG; Scherbakova, EM | Demographic brakes of the economy | VOPROSY EKONOMIKI | Russian | Russia; population growth; natural increase; net migration; population aging; aging of labor force; retirement age | 2018 |
Barsukov, VN | ASSESSMENT OF THE PREVALENCE OF DISCRIMINATORY ATTITUDES TOWARDS OLDER PEOPLE IN THE WORLD | TOMSK STATE UNIVERSITY JOURNAL | Russian | age discrimination; discriminatory attitudes; older people; older generation; population aging | 2018 |
Juhasz, D; Nemeth, D | CHANGES OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS IN HEALTHY AGING | IDEGGYOGYASZATI SZEMLE-CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE | Hungarian | age-related cognitive decline; working memory; executive function; aging; dementia | 2018 |
Hajdu, G; Sik, E | Age, Period, and Cohort Differences in Work Centrality and Work Values | SOCIETIES | English | work values; cohort differences; generational differences; age-period-cohort analysis | 2018 |
Ryabova, TMV; Frolova, EV; Rogach, OV; Kirillov, AV | Status and Role Transformations of the Elderly in Modern Russia | TARIH KULTUR VE SANAT ARASTIRMALARI DERGISI-JOURNAL OF HISTORY CULTURE AND ART RESEARCH | English | Pensioner; Seniors; Successful aging; Retirement; Culture of care; the Transformation of the pensioner’s image | 2018 |
Rydzewska, K; von Helversen, B; Kossowska, M; Magnuski, M; Sedek, G | Age-Related Within-Task Adaptations in Sequential Decision Making: Considering Cognitive and Motivational Factors | PSYCHOLOGY AND AGING | English | aging; cognitive abilities; need for cognitive closure; sequential choice | 2018 |
Wiktorowicz, J | Extending Working Life: Which Competencies are Crucial in Near-Retirement Age? | JOURNAL OF ADULT DEVELOPMENT | English | Active ageing; Extending working life; Competencies; Multivariate statistics; Poland | 2018 |
Szelag, E | Commentary: Effects of Video Game Training on Measures of Selective Attention and Working Memory in Older Adults: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial | FRONTIERS IN AGING NEUROSCIENCE | English | healthy aging; neurorehabilitation; cognitive training; video games | 2018 |
Ambarova, P | DO OLDER STUDENTS NEED UNIVERSITIES IN RUSSIA? | 12TH INTERNATIONAL TECHNOLOGY, EDUCATION AND DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE (INTED) | English | geronto-education; older students; higher education; educational policy; segregation and integration model of education for older students | 2018 |
Barsukov, VN | Barriers to Social Integration of the Older Generation in the Context of Intergenerational Communication Issues | ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES-FACTS TRENDS FORECAST | English | population ageing; older generation; intergenerational communication; generation gap; barriers to inclusion | 2018 |
Beresewicz, M; Nikulin, D | Informal employment in Poland: an empirical spatial analysis | SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS | English | informal employment propensity; unregistered work; shadow economy; spatial Bayesian analysis; integrated nested Lagrange approach (INLA) | 2018 |
Bielawska, K | Retirement Decisions of Seniors in Poland in the Light of the Qualitative Research | EUROPEAN FINANCIAL SYSTEMS 2018: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 15TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE | English | retirement; decisions; Poland; effective retirement age | 2018 |
Cwirlej-Sozanska, A; Wisniowska-Szurlej, A; Wilmowska-Pietruszynska, A; Sozanski, B; Woloszyn, N | ASSESSMENT OF PSYCHOPHYSICAL CAPACITIES FOR PROFESSIONAL WORK IN LATE MIDDLE AGE AND AT THE BEGINNING OF OLD AGE | MEDYCYNA PRACY | English | elderly; middle age; health status; physical activity; work capacity; chronic disease | 2018 |
Grigoryeva, I; Sizova, I | Elderly Women Between Ageing and Gender Discrimination | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON GENDER RESEARCH (ICGR 2018) | English | elderly women; active ageing; image of an elderly woman; ageism; identity | 2018 |
Hardy, W; Kielczewska, A; Lewandowski, P; Magda, I | Job retention among older workers in central and Eastern Europe | BALTIC JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS | English | Job retention; retirement; transition to retirement; pension system; early retirement | 2018 |
Iliev, I | Working pensioners in Bulgaria in late socialism: economic niches and gender images | BALKANISTIC FORUM | Bulgarian | work; pensioners; gender roles; socialism | 2018 |
Istomina, YA | Raising the Retirement Age and Pension Insurance Economics | PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE FAR EAST CON (ISCFEC 2018) | English | Retirement age; social insurance; social risk | 2018 |
Kostopoulos, G; Neureiter, K; Papatoiu, D; Tscheligi, M; Chrysoulas, C | ProMe: A Mentoring Platform for Older Adults Using Machine Learning Techniques for Supporting the Live and Learn Concept | MOBILE INFORMATION SYSTEMS | English | 2018 | |
Kovalchuk, TA; Ishchenko, LA | The definition of trends in the age structure of employees of working age | MEDICAL PERSPECTIVES-MEDICNI PERSPEKTIVI | Ukrainian | working age; age structure of employees; ageing index | 2018 |
Kozina, I; Zangieva, I | STATE AND MARKET REGULATION OF LABOUR ACTIVITY OF OLD-AGE PENSIONERS | JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY STUDIES | Russian | labour market; employment; ageism; discrimination; working pensioners | 2018 |
Kozina, Z; Iermakov, S; Bartik, P; Yermakova, T; Michal, J | Influence of self – regulation psychological and physical means on aged people’s functional state | JOURNAL OF HUMAN SPORT AND EXERCISE | English | AGE; PSYCHO-PSYCHICAL MEANS; AUTOGENOUS TRAINING; HEALTH | 2018 |
Kruczek, A; Basniska, MA | COPING HUMOR FOR THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN A SENSE OF STRESS AT WORK AND JOB SATISFACTION | MEDYCYNA PRACY | Polish | job satisfaction; professional satisfaction; coping humor; sense of stress at work; Coping Humor Scale; humor styles | 2018 |
Magnavita, N; Sakowski, P; Capitanelli, I; La Milia, DI; Moscato, U; Poscia, A; Ricciardi, W | HEALTH PROMOTION FOR THE AGING WORKFORCE IN POLAND | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH | English | Health promotion; Workplace; Occupational health; Aging; Age management; Health services organization | 2018 |
Prouskova, E | The Impacts of Population Ageing on Economic Growth and Fiscal Sustainability in OECD Countries | EDAMBA 2018: INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE FOR DOCTORAL STUDENTS AND POST-DOCTORAL SCHOLARS: CAPACITY AND RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: THE ROLE OF ECONOMICS, BUSINESS, MANAGEMENT AND RELATED DISCIPLINES | English | population ageing; labour force; economic growth; fiscal sustainability | 2018 |
Rapoliene, G; Mikulioniene, S; Gedvilaite-Kordusiene, M; Jurkevits, A | THE SOCIALLY INCLUDED OR EXCLUDED? THE EXPERIENCES OF OLDER PEOPLE LIVING ALONE | SOCIALINE TEORIJA EMPIRIJA POLITIKA IR PRAKTIKA | Lithuanian | experiences of social inclusion/exclusion; older people living alone; qualitative research | 2018 |
Skibinski, A | Assessment of the Degree Ageing Labour Force for Example of Poland and Slovakia | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT | English | ageing of population; labour force; demographic ageing index | 2018 |
Vangelova, K; Dimitrova, I; Tzenova, B | WORK ABILITY OF AGING TEACHERS IN BULGARIA | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH | English | Aging; Teachers; Work ability index; Work ability; Cross-sectional study; Adverse health effects | 2018 |
Veckie, VW; Tonkovic, AM; Krizanovic, K | SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTRIBUTION OF THIRD-AGE ACTIVE RETIREES | 7TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM ECONOMY OF EASTERN CROATIA – VISION AND GROWTH | English | socio-economic contribution; population aging; knowledge transfer; lifelong education; third-age economy | 2018 |
Wiktorowicz, J | SOCIAL AND HUMAN CAPITAL AS THE INDIVIDUAL FACTORS OF ECONOMIC ACTIVITY OF PEOPLE AGED 50+- CASE OF POLAND | 12TH INTERNATIONAL DAYS OF STATISTICS AND ECONOMICS | English | ageing; economic activity; human capital; social capital; logistic regression | 2018 |
Zemaitaityte, I; Balciunaite, A | APPLICATION OF INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN THE STUDY PROCESSES OF THE UNIVERSITIES OF THE THIRD AGE | SOCIETY, INTEGRATION, EDUCATION, 2018, VOL V: LIFELONG LEARNING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION | English | information communication technologies; older adults; non-formal adult education; University of the Third Age | 2018 |
Eichberg, H; Kosiewicz, J; Contiero, D | Pilgrimage: Intrinsic Motivation and Active Behavior in the Eldery | PHYSICAL CULTURE AND SPORT STUDIES AND RESEARCH | English | health; aging; movement; religion; spirituality | 2017 |
Dudkowska, M; Janiszewska, D; Karpa, A; Broczek, K; Dabrowski, M; Sikora, E | The role of gender and labour status in immunosenescence of 65+Polish population | BIOGERONTOLOGY | English | CD8+CD28-; Immune risk profile; IL8; IL10; Human ageing; T-cells | 2017 |
Soltysik, BK; Kroc, L; Piglowska, M; Guligowska, A; Smigielski, J; Kostka, T | An Evaluation of theWork and Life Conditions and the Quality of Life in 60 to 65 Year-Old White-Collar Employees, Manual Workers, and Unemployed Controls | JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL MEDICINE | English | 2017 | |
Rozman, M; Treven, S; Cancer, V; Cingula, M | Burnout of Older and Younger Employees – The Case of Slovenia | ORGANIZACIJA | English | Physical symptoms of burnout; emotional symptoms of burnout; behavioral symptoms of burnout; employees; human resource management | 2017 |
Danielyan, VA | Socio-economic Determinants of Retirement Age: Literature Review | EKONOMIKA I MATEMATICESKIE METODY-ECONOMICS AND MATHEMATICAL METHODS | Russian | retirement age determinants; labor force participation of older workers; life expectancy; technical changes; cultural characteristics | 2017 |
Gujski, M; Pinkas, J; Junczyk, T; Pawelczak-Barszczowska, A; Raczkiewicz, D; Owoc, A; Bojar, I | STRESS AT THE PLACE OF WORK AND COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS AMONG WOMEN PERFORMING INTELLECTUAL WORK DURING PERI- AND POST-MENOPAUSAL PERIOD | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH | English | Cognitive function; Menopause; Stress at work; Woman health; CNS Vital Signs; Intellectual work | 2017 |
Ivankina, LI; Trubchenko, TG; Krukovac, EM; Shaidullina, AR; Shaftelskaya, NV; Chernyak, VK | The Use of Information and Communication Technologies by Elderly People | III INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON LIFELONG WELLBEING IN THE WORLD (WELLSO 2016) | English | Information and communication technologies (ICT); elderly people; quality of life of elderly people; active ageing (long living); the use of electronic gadgets by elderly people; preferences of the use of IT technologies by elderly people | 2017 |
Korsakiene, R; Raisiene, AG; Buzavaite, M | WORK ENGAGEMENT OF OLDER EMPLOYEES: DO EMPLOYEE AND WORK-RELATED FACTORS MATTER? | ECONOMICS & SOCIOLOGY | English | work engagement; employee-related factors; work-related factors; older employees; age related factors | 2017 |
Krajnakova, E; Vojtovic, S | STRUGGLES OF OLDER WORKERS AT THE LABOUR MARKET | ECONOMICS & SOCIOLOGY | English | positive ageing; risk groups on the labour market; older applicants for jobs; discrimination | 2017 |
Leszko, M; Bugajska, B | The Evaluation of Employment Policies for Older Adults in the Czech Republic, Poland, and Slovakia | SELECTED CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES OF AGEING POLICY | English | Age Management; Employment Policies; Protection Programs | 2017 |
Malanina, VA; Frolova, EA; Lei, H | Social and Economic Activity of the Elder Generation in Tomsk Region | III INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SYMPOSIUM ON LIFELONG WELLBEING IN THE WORLD (WELLSO 2016) | English | Older people; active ageing; life satisfaction; employment; trust; Tomsk region | 2017 |
Merecz-Kot, D; Drabek, M; Stanczak, A; Andysz, A; Jacukowicz, A | USE OF WORK-LIFE BALANCE BENEFITS GUARANTEED BY LAW IN POLAND – DO SIZE OF THE ENTERPRISE AND GENDER MATTER? | MEDYCYNA PRACY | English | work; life; balance; benefit; use of benefit; gender | 2017 |
Prokhorova, MV; Ovsyannikova, OM | DESIGNING MULTIFACTOR INVENTORY OF LABOR ACTIVITY MOTIVATION | PSIKHOLOGICHESKII ZHURNAL | Russian | multifactor inventory; work motivation; positive motives; negative motives; structure of motivation; diagnostics of motivation | 2017 |
Puciato, D; Borysiuk, Z; Rozpara, M | Quality of life and physical activity in an older working-age population | CLINICAL INTERVENTIONS IN AGING | English | physical activity; IPAQ-SF; quality of life; WHOQOL-BREF; big city environment | 2017 |
Rozin, VM | Old Age as a Psychological and Cultural Phenomenon | PSYCHOLOGY-JOURNAL OF THE HIGHER SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS | Russian | old age; age; conception; meaning of life; crisis; cultures of life; illnesses; fear; health; death | 2017 |
Soja, P | Towards Better Understanding of ICT Acceptance by Older Workers: Learning from Polish Enterprise System Practitioners | ICT MANAGEMENT FOR GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS AND ECONOMIC GROWTH IN EMERGING ECONOMIES (ICTM) | English | ICT; enterprise systems; acceptance; labor force age; ageing; Poland | 2017 |
Stefanovska-Petkovska, M; Bojadziev, M | Cash or Compliment? Older employees preference of financial versus non-financial incentives | MONTENEGRIN JOURNAL OF ECONOMICS | English | ageing workforce; financial incentives; non-financial incentives; job satisfaction | 2017 |
Tsapenko, IP | SOCIO-ECONOMIC CONTOURS OF LONGEVITY SOCIETIES | MIROVAYA EKONOMIKA I MEZHDUNARODNYE OTNOSHENIYA | Russian | population ageing; demographic challenges; labour resources; social welfare; healthy and active longevity; longevity divident; silver economy | 2017 |
Zsuzsa, G; Zsuzsanna, S; Edmond, G | Retired Physicians in Hungary – nationwide, representative study | ORVOSI HETILAP | Hungarian | retired physicians; employment; gender; health | 2016 |
Manty, M; Kouvonen, A; Lallukka, T; Lahti, J; Lahelma, E; Rahkonen, O | Pre-retirement physical working conditions and changes in physical health functioning during retirement transition process | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF WORK ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH | English | ageing; ageing employee; follow-up; older employee; SF-36; physical workload; environmental hazard; computer work | 2016 |
Taylor, P; Earl, C | The Social Construction of Retirement and Evolving Policy Discourse of Working Longer | JOURNAL OF SOCIAL POLICY | English | 2016 | |
Barsukov, VN | Labor Activity of the Population of Retirement Age as a Factor in Socio-Economic Development of the Territory | ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CHANGES-FACTS TRENDS FORECAST | Russian | population ageing; transformation of the age structure; the elderly; retirement age; labor activity | 2016 |
Glatz, M; Misota, B | ACTIVE EDUCATION OF THE EMPLOYEES OF THE SMALL AND MEDIUM-SIZED ENTERPRISES | KNOWLEDGE FOR MARKET USE 2016: OUR INTERCONNECTED AND DIVIDED WORLD | English | Small and medium-sized enterprises; Digital Competence; Digital Literacy; Open educational resources; Massive open online courses | 2016 |
Makienko, M; Panamareva, A | The influence of stereotypes about old age on the perception of elderly employees’ labor activity | RPTSS 2015 – INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON RESEARCH PARADIGMS TRANSFORMATION IN SOCIAL SCIENCES 2015 | English | 2016 | |
Richert-Kazmierska, A; Stankiewicz, K | Work-life balance: Does age matter? | WORK-A JOURNAL OF PREVENTION ASSESSMENT & REHABILITATION | English | Work-life balance; aging workforce; workers’ assessment | 2016 |
Ryzhkova, M; Chikov, M; Kashapova, E | Income and Consumption of Retirees: A Cross-Country Comparison | PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2016 CONFERENCE ON INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN SCIENCE, MANAGEMENT, SOCIAL SPHERE AND MEDICINE (ITSMSSM) | English | consumption; income; assets; pentioners; old age | 2016 |
Soja, E; Soja, P; Paliwoda-Pekosz, G | Solving Problems During an Enterprise System Adoption: Does Employees’ Age Matter? | INFORMATION SYSTEMS: DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCH, APPLICATIONS, EDUCATION | English | Enterprise systems; Adoption; Problems; Solutions; Labor force age; Ageing; Poland | 2016 |
Wachowicz, J | Information Society in Poland – Similarities and Differences in the Perception of ICT Between Generations | INFORMATION SYSTEMS: DEVELOPMENT, RESEARCH, APPLICATIONS, EDUCATION | English | Internet; Seniors; Information society | 2016 |
Zajac-Lamparska, L; Trempala, J | Effects of working memory and attentional control training and their transfer onto fluid intelligence in early and late adulthood | HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY REPORT | English | cognitive functioning; old age; rehabilitation; early intervention | 2016 |
Stober, EO | AGING POPULATION-A CLOUD ON ROMANIA’S ECONOMIC FUTURE | MANAGEMENT RESEARCH AND PRACTICE | English | Population aging; fertility; dependency ratio; economic pressure | 2015 |
Zeman, Z; Zeman, MG | ”YOUNG HEART IN OLD BODY Experiences of Ageing from Older Persons’ Perspective | ETNOLOSKA TRIBINA | English | ageing; qualitative research; subjective experience; chronological age; subjective age | 2015 |
Manty, M; Kouvonen, A; Lallukka, T; Lahti, J; Lahelma, E; Rahkonen, O | Changes in working conditions and physical health functioning among midlife and ageing employees | SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF WORK ENVIRONMENT & HEALTH | English | physical working condition; psychosocial working condition; SF-36; follow-up | 2015 |
Gostautaite, B; Buciuniene, I | Work engagement during life-span: The role of interaction outside the organization and task significance | JOURNAL OF VOCATIONAL BEHAVIOR | English | Aging; Life-span; Work engagement; Job characteristics; Interaction outside the organization; Task significance | 2015 |
Hintsa, T; Kouvonen, A; McCann, M; Jokela, M; Elovainio, M; Demakakos, P | Higher effort-reward imbalance and lower job control predict exit from the labour market at the age of 61 years or younger: evidence from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing | JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH | English | 2015 | |
Yoon, J; Campanelli, L; Goral, M; Marton, K; Eichorn, N; Obler, LK | The Effect of Plausibility on Sentence Comprehension Among Older Adults and its Relation to Cognitive Functions | EXPERIMENTAL AGING RESEARCH | English | 2015 | |
Gostautaite, B; Buciuniene, I | The role of work characteristics in enhancing older employees’ performance: evidence from a post-Soviet country | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT | English | task; post-Soviet countries; social support; adaptive and proactive performance; older workers; autonomy | 2015 |
Birknerova, Z; Frankovsky, M; Stefko, R; Zbihlej, L | GENDER AND AGE SPECIFICATIONS OF ASSESSING LIFELONG EDUCATION IN ORGANIZATIONS | ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (ESD) | English | Age; Gender; Human capital; Lifelong education | 2015 |
Boris, J; Milos, V; Rista, R | Innovative ICT Tools and Team Work in the Elder People Wealth | INTERNATIONAL REVIEW | English | Demographics; Older population; Innovative Team Mental Training; ICT tools | 2015 |
Ciutiene, R; Railaite, R | Age Management as a Means of Reducing the Challenges of Workforce Aging | INZINERINE EKONOMIKA-ENGINEERING ECONOMICS | English | Ageing; Human Resource Management; Age Management; Age Diversity; Older Workers | 2015 |
Gafarov, VV; Panov, DO; Gromova, EA; Gagulin, IV; Gafarova, AV | Workplace stress and its impact on the 16-year risk of myocardial infarction and stroke in an open female population aged 25-64 years in Russia/Siberia (WHO MONICA-psychosocial program) | TERAPEVTICHESKII ARKHIV | Russian | workplace stress; hazard ratio; myocardial infarction; stroke; social gradient | 2015 |
Hajdukova, A; Klementova, J; Klementova, J | The job satisfaction as a regulator of the working behaviour | PROCEEDINGS OF 2ND GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY RESEARCHES (GCPR-2014) | English | the job satisfaction; the satisfaction factors; analysis of variance | 2015 |
Maltsev, LA | T. Mann, Odysseus, Mickevic: Existentials of the great old age, Nothing and Nobody in the Late Works of J. Andrzejewski | ZBORNIK MATICE SRPSKE ZA SLAVISTIKU-MATICA SRPSKA JOURNAL OF SLAVIC STUDIES | Serbian | Andrzejewski; existentialism; Great Eld; Nothingness | 2015 |
Milosavljevic, L; Antonijevic, D | Nursing homes as the perspective and reality of guest workers in old age | ETNOANTROPOLOSKI PROBLEMI-ISSUES IN ETHNOLOGY AND ANTHROPOLOGY | Croatian | aging guest workers; gastarbeiters; old age; nursing homes; operating strategies | 2015 |
Perminiene, M; Pauzaite, Z; Vaidelyte, E; Stuopyte, E; Butkeviciene, E | Stress-related health symptoms and working environment of older employees in Lithuania | 6TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON PSYCHOLOGY, COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE (WCPCG-2015) | English | ageing workforce; health; work environment | 2015 |
Varshavskaya, EY; Denisenko, MB | Numbers, trends and characteristics of Russia’s economically inactive people | SOTSIOLOGICHESKIE ISSLEDOVANIYA | Russian | economic inactivity; economically inactive people; labor supply; Russian labor market | 2015 |
Vodopivec, M | Equal Pay for Equal Work? Wage and Productivity Differentials During Slovenia’s Transition | EASTERN EUROPEAN ECONOMICS | English | 2014 | |
Worach-Kardas, H; Kostrzewski, S | Quality of Life and Health State of Long – Term Unemployed in Older Production Age | APPLIED RESEARCH IN QUALITY OF LIFE | English | Health related quality of life; Health situation; Unemployment; Older production age | 2014 |
Chybalski, F | Financial Stability of Pension Systems: A Cross-Country Analysis | PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FINANCE AND BANKING | English | pensions system; solvency; GDP division; panel regression | 2014 |
Moisescu, PC | The social integration of elders through free-time activities | 5TH WORLD CONFERENCE ON EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES | English | Elders; social integration; physical education; free-time activities | 2014 |
Osoian, A | Memories, a bridge towards intergenerational learning! | ADULT EDUCATION IN UNIVERSITIES: LOCAL AND REGIONAL PERSPECTIVES | English | active aging; intergenerational learning; community identity; social memory | 2014 |
Smaliukiene, R; Tvaronaviciene, M | Bridge employment: an opportunity for aging society | 19TH INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE ECONOMICS AND MANAGEMENT 2014 (ICEM-2014) | English | Retirement; bridge employment; aging society | 2014 |
Tadic, M; Oerlemans, WGM; Bakker, AB; Veenhoven, R | Daily Activities and Happiness in Later Life: The Role of Work Status | JOURNAL OF HAPPINESS STUDIES | English | Aging; Happiness; Day reconstruction method; Retirement; Time-use | 2013 |
Aristovnik, A; Jaklic, K | Job Satisfaction of Older Workers as a Factor of Promoting Labour Market Participation in the EU: The Case of Slovenia | REVIJA ZA SOCIJALNU POLITIKU | English | older workers; job satisfaction; employment; labour market participation; EU; Slovenia | 2013 |
Soric, M; Golubic, R; Milosevic, M; Juras, K; Mustajbegovic, J | Shift Work, Quality of Life and Work Ability among Croatian Hospital Nurses | COLLEGIUM ANTROPOLOGICUM | English | nurses; shift work; work ability; quality of life; education | 2013 |
Hildt-Ciupinska, K; Bugajska, J | EVALUATION OF ACTIVITIES AND NEEDS OF OLDER WORKERS IN THE CONTEXT OF MAINTAINING THEIR EMPLOYMENT | MEDYCYNA PRACY | English | older employees; needs; age management | 2013 |
Kogovsek, M; Kogovsek, M | LIFELONG LEARNING: UNCOVERING THE POTENTIALS TO RETAIN MATURE WORKERS | EDULEARN13: 5TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON EDUCATION AND NEW LEARNING TECHNOLOGIES | English | knowledge economy; lifelong learning; competitive advantage; mature workers; retention | 2013 |
Pervova, IL | AGING AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES | 6TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI 2013) | English | Aging; computer course; psychological problems | 2013 |
Redek, T; Susjan, A; Kostevc, C | UNEMPLOYMENT AND SELF-CONCEPT | ECONOMIC RESEARCH-EKONOMSKA ISTRAZIVANJA | English | ageing; age discrimination; self-concept; unemployment persistence | 2013 |
Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B; Brzyski, P; Florek, M; Brzyska, M | Job stress and mortality in older age | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH | English | Job stress; Job demand; Job control; Efforts; Rewards; Mortality in older age | 2013 |
Bugajska, J; Hildt-Ciupinska, K | EVALUATION OF ACTIVITIES TARGETED AT EMPLOYABILITY OF OLDER WORKERS IN POLISH ENTERPRISES | MEDYCYNA PRACY | Polish | older workers; age management; Polish companies | 2012 |
Hrast, MF; Hlebec, V; Kavcic, M | The Social Exclusion of the Elderly: A Mixed-Methods Study in Slovenia | SOCIOLOGICKY CASOPIS-CZECH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW | English | social exclusion; mixed methods; coping strategies; secondary data; the elderly; Slovenia | 2012 |
Kristjuhan, U | Ergonomics as a tool in prolonging youth and postponing ageing | WORK-A JOURNAL OF PREVENTION ASSESSMENT & REHABILITATION | English | ergonomics; youth; ageing | 2012 |
Orzea, I; Bratianu, C | STAKEHOLDER AWARENESS PROGRAMS FOR INTERGENERATIONAL LEARNING IN THE EUROPEAN CONTEXT | BUSINESS EXCELLENCE CHALLENGES DURING THE ECONOMIC CRISIS, VOL 2 | English | ageing societies; intergenerational learning; lifelong learning; stakeholder awareness | 2012 |
Orzea, I; Bratianu, C | Intergenerational Learning in Ageing Societies | PROCEEDINGS OF THE 9TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL, KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT & ORGANISATIONAL LEARNING | English | ageing; knowledge transfer; intergenerational learning; stakeholders awareness | 2012 |
Biernat, E; Tomaszewski, P | Socio-Demographic and Leisure Activity Determinants of Physical Activity of Working Warsaw Residents Aged 60 to 69 Years | JOURNAL OF HUMAN KINETICS | English | physical activity; IPAQ; BMI; environmental factors; leisure activity; elderly | 2011 |
Kirbis, IS; Tomic, I; Vehovec, M | PENSION LITERACY AND SAVINGS FOR THE THIRD AGE | REVIJA ZA SOCIJALNU POLITIKU | Croatian | pension literacy; awareness; private savings; adequacy of pension income; pensions; third age | 2011 |
Bugajska, J; Makowiec-Dabrowska, T; Wagrowska-Koski, E | AGE MANAGEMENT IN ENTEPRISES AS A PART OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH IN ELDERLY WORKERS | MEDYCYNA PRACY | Polish | elderly workers; age management; occupational medicine | 2010 |
Kobylarek, A | Integration of Elderly Citizens through Learning | NEW EDUCATIONAL REVIEW | English | senior citizens’ learning process; University of the Third Age; holistic education; ageing society | 2010 |
Lupou, R; Dorobantu, A; Fiore, F | A new lifelong learning model based on intergenerational exchange: Premises and foreseen benefits | INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY IN EDUCATION | English | Intergenerational learning; active aging; age stereotypes; workforce | 2010 |
Ostrowska, A | Polish Women 50+: How do We Age? | POLISH SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW | English | ageing; frame of mind; sexuality; menopause; social activity; work-retirement | 2010 |
Saric, E; Bratovcic, V; Marinkovic, D | ASSESSMENT AND TREATMENT OF ELDERLY PERSONS | SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATION – SCIENCE AND/OR PRACTICE: THEMATIC COLLECTION OF PAPERS | English | age; assessment; general program; a special program | 2010 |
Znidarsic, J | Age management in Slovenian enterprises: the viewpoint of older employees | ZBORNIK RADOVA EKONOMSKOG FAKULTETA U RIJECI-PROCEEDINGS OF RIJEKA FACULTY OF ECONOMICS | English | ageing workforce; retaining older workers; active ageing approach; HRM; age management; Slovenia | 2010 |
Ograjensek, I; Redek, T; Domadenik, P | Slovenian Employers and the Challenge of the Longer Working Life | REVIJA ZA SOCIJALNU POLITIKU | English | active ageing; employer attitudes; labour market; older workers; population ageing; survey | 2009 |
Dmitrieva, ES; Gelman, VY; Zaitzeva, KA; Lanko, SV | Age-related changes in the relationship between learning progress and auditory working memory characteristics | ZHURNAL VYSSHEI NERVNOI DEYATELNOSTI IMENI I P PAVLOVA | Russian | learning; age-related features; recognition of acoustical stimuli; acoustical working memory characteristics | 2007 |
Bartoszewska, E; Tobiasz-Adamczyk, B; Brzyski, P; Kopacz, M | Occupational position, working conditions, work-related health attitudes and mortality patterns in older age. An 18 year follow-up study in Krakow, Poland | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH | English | 2007 | |
Jensen, OC; Sorensen, JFL; Thomas, M; Canals, ML; Nikolic, N; Hu, YP | Working conditions in international seafaring | OCCUPATIONAL MEDICINE-OXFORD | English | occupational; seafarer; self-rated health; working condition | 2006 |
Durakovic, Z; Misigoj-Durakovic, M | Does chronological age reduce working ability? | COLLEGIUM ANTROPOLOGICUM | English | biological age; working ability | 2006 |
Bugajska, J; Lastowiecka, E | Analysis of total work inability in Poland in 2000 and 2001 according to age, disease diagnosis and occupation | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND ERGONOMICS | English | early retirement; total work inability; disease; occupation | 2006 |
Kalinauskaite, R | Differences between generations: Measuring perceptions to organizational environment | CHANGES IN SOCIAL AND BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT | English | generations; organizational climate | 2006 |
Kristjuhan, U; Taidre, E | Workability and health of older academics | ASSESSMENT AND PROMOTION OF WORK ABILITY, HEALTH AND WELL-BEING OF AGEING WORKERS | English | productivity; health; older workforce; academic | 2005 |
Vanagas, G; Bihari-Axelsson, S | Interaction among general practitioners age and patient load in the prediction of job strain, decision latitude and perception of job demands. A Cross-sectional study | BMC PUBLIC HEALTH | English | 2004 | |
Malinauskiene, V; Theorell, T; Grazuleviciene, R; Malinauskas, R; Azaraviciene, A | Low job control and myocardial infarction risk in the occupational categories of Kaunas men, Lithuania | JOURNAL OF EPIDEMIOLOGY AND COMMUNITY HEALTH | English | 2004 | |
Bobko, NA | Work ability, age and its perception, and other related concerns of Ukraine health care workers | EXPERIMENTAL AGING RESEARCH | English | 2002 | |
Iskra-Golec, I | Personal age and assessment of work stress in Polish nurses | EXPERIMENTAL AGING RESEARCH | English | 2002 | |
Kaliterna, L; Larsen, ZP; Brkljacic, T | Chronological and subjective age in relation to work demands: Survey of Croatian workers | EXPERIMENTAL AGING RESEARCH | English | 2002 | |
Korobeynikov, GV | Aging peculiarities of information processing organization | STUDIA PSYCHOLOGICA | English | aging; information processing; psychophysiological mechanisms | 2001 |
Marcinkowski, JS; Glowczynska, K | The review of methods defining work ability of individuals | ERGONOMICS AND SAFETY FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY | English | 2000 | |
Marszalek, A | Thirst and work capacity of older people in a hot environment | ERGONOMICS AND SAFETY FOR GLOBAL BUSINESS QUALITY AND PRODUCTIVITY | English | 2000 |
A WHO a demenciát a jövő egyik halállal végződő, az öregedéstől eltérő, lassú, lefolyású, progresszív és gyorsan növekvő betegségének tekinti. A 2010-es előre jelzés alapján 2030-ban 65.7 millió, 2050-ben 115,5 millió ember él a világon.
Innovatív kezdeményezések (angol nyelven):