Who are Czech working pensioners and where do they work?

Years of the research: 2011

Country: Czech Republic

Language: Czech


  • active ageing
  • pensioners


In this paper we look at the issue of the concurrence of paid employment and old-age pension. We open the debate with a basic overview of the specific features of this work activity in advanced age in the context of the increasing requirements for active ageing and the ongoing European Year for Active Ageing and Solidarity between Generations. Working pensioners constitute a significant portion of the workforce as a whole and their contribution is mainly evident in the tertiary sector. The text also deals with the current public debate on working pensioners, and we give examples to show that this topic is presented as socially controversial and the potential source of political conflict. As regards the type of work done, among men it is often a continuation of their pre-retirement employment, whereas women are more likely to change their occupation.


  • Lucie Vidovićová

Target group: working pensioners



Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

The survey showed that employment and simultaneous pension is not commonly represented. Pensioners usually work in the tertiary sector and subjectively report higher levels of well-being and wealth.

Financed by: Project with public funding

Contact person: Vidovićová, Lucie - http://www.muni.cz/fi/people/11638/cv