Topical issues of the sociology of ageing: Introduction

Years of the research: 2016

Country: Russia

Language: Russian


  • fourth age
  • population ageing
  • social gerontology
  • sociology of ageing
  • third age


The article is an introduction to the special issue of the “Sociology” journal published by the Department of Sociology of the Institute of Scientific Information on Social Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences (ISISS RAS, Moscow). The article outlines the history and present state of the sociology of ageing, its major concepts and issues studied by it, as well as its relation to social gerontology.


  • Yaroslava Evseeva

Type of research: international

Publication/reports: Evseeva, Y. (2016). Topical issues of the sociology of ageing: Introduction. Sociology, 1, 5-13

Contact person: Yaroslava Evseeva,