The study of assessments used by Russian managers to assess the aged subordinates\' performance

Years of the research: 2011 - 2013

Country: Russia

Language: Russian


  • control
  • generations
  • lifelong learning
  • Matrix of Competitiveness of Work Experience
  • planning
  • professionals


The research explores the features of assessments which Russian managers used when asked to assess the aged subordinates' professional performance. The authors studied how the manager chose to assess aged professionals' planning, control and work process. To reconcile aged professionals' work experience and organizational changes the Matrix of Competitiveness of Work Experience (Matrix CWE) is proposed.


  • Fayruza Ismagilova
  • Galina Mirolyubova

Type of research: regional

Target group: Professionals aged 33 to 40 (young adulthood), Professionals aged over 50 (upper limit of middle age)


Study sample comprised 101 participants; managers and leading specialists of Ural region industrial companies aged 27-40, participants of President Management Training Program for Russian companies. The method of collecting empirical data: a written interview. Study participants were invited to answer the following questions: "1. Describe the behavior of one of your employees (aged 50-60 years with a total work experience of more than 20 years) in a situation of organizational changes. 2. Please describe your agreements and controversies on each of the following stages of work process in the face of changes: 1) Planning; 2) Organization of work; 3) Control." Method of qualitative-quantitative analysis: content analysis.


In a professional environment, the development of competitiveness of young experts goes together with the presence and spread of negative stereotypes of old age, which affects negatively the elderly professional and the results of his professional activities as well as the system of institutional relations in general. Research of psychological factors (subjective determinants) that underlie a choice of the most appropriate interaction strategy between different age groups, aims to find the principles of coordination of the interaction strategies of two generations for the purpose of preservation and development of the vocational capability of modern organizations in a changing world. The objective of the research is to reveal the features of assessments which Russian managers (aged 33 to 40 years) used when asked to assess the aged subordinates' professional performance. Comparison was based on the analysis of value judgments. Background: Schulz H., Pfaf F.H used the model "work requirements - resources" to show differences between the estimation of the characteristics of the work by older and young workers. Zaniboni S., Truxillo D., Fraccarolly F. convincingly showed that young and old workers react differently to the same performance characteristics. They proved that with the increasing variety of problems the young workers have a lower level of burnout than the older executives do. Moreover, among older workers the level of burnout is relatively low in case of increase of the skills variety requirements. Mukletun R., Syse A. examined how the organization of work, working conditions, and design work affect the solution regarding retirement. Vantilborgh T., BideeJ., Pepermans R., Willems J., Hyubrehts G., Jegers M. revealed differences in consideration of the psychological contract by workers' representatives of different generations, especially with regard to the interpretation of the results of the work for the individual and the organization. Kanter R., Beier m M Ackerman P.L. We developed an integrative model of work-related "age" goals, labour motivation and decision about retirement.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

Data analysis revealed a dilemma. If older employees are unduly focused on the standard, they become maladaptive and do not pay attention to the work process. If older employees are too focused on experience, they pay attention to the work process, but do not control the outcome. To resolve the dilemma of "experience-standard" young leaders offer two ways: 1) using the intensive control of the activity of older workers during the planning phase; 2) by monitoring the activity of older workers. To reconcile aged professionals' work experience and organizational changes the Matrix of competitiveness of work experience (Matrix CWE) is proposed.

Publication/reports: Ismagilova F, Mirolyubova G. Theoretical investigation of the problem of interaction between professionals of different generations: classification of the affecting factors// //Известия Уральского федерального университета. Сер. 1, Проблемы образования, науки и культуры. 2013.№ 2 (113). – 2013. Ismagilova F, Mugatabarova E. Psychological research of the relationship between the generations of professionals in the mobile organizational environment// Известия Уральского федерального университета. Сер. 1, Проблемы образования, науки и культуры. 2013.№ 1 (110). – 2013. Ismagilova F, Mirolyubova G. The study of assessments used by Russian managers to assess the aged subordinates' performance// Психологическая теория и практика-управлению.—Екатеринбург, 2015. – 2015.

Online publication/reports/links:

Contact person: Fayruza Ismagilova, e-mail: