Structural changes and delatnog resources at the family and individual level - generational and gender perspective

Years of the research: 2000 - 2015

Country: Serbia

Language: Serbian


  • family
  • parenting
  • social integration
  • young people


Outline knowledge about the specific characteristics of the emerging capitalist society in Serbia.


  • Faculty of Philosophy – University of Belgrade; Team makes 38 researchers.

Target group: Changes in family structure; Policies parenting; Young people as actors of social integration.


The project includes two surveys, and in-depth interviews and case studies, micro-structural aspects. Sample: no data


Expected empirically funded new knowledge about the specific characteristics of the emerging capitalist society in Serbia, which will also have practical implications for the planning of socio-economic development and strengthening of the democratic order.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

no data yet

Contact person: Smiljka Tomanovic