Skype Care II (Skype in Care for Older People), Model Program II

Years of the research: 2012 - 2014

Country: Hungary

Language: Hungarian


  • care
  • ICT
  • loneliness
  • volunteer
  • young people


  • Zsuzsa Széman

Type of research: regional (Szabolcs Szatmár county)

Target group: Lonely digitally illiterate home care recipients over 75 years old living in a small town and 6 villages, with low education and income.


25 lonely digitally illiterate home care recipients over 75 years old. 10 persons in a small town (Fehérgyarmat), 15 persons in 6 villages (Szatmárcseke, Gyügye, Tivadar, Kisar, Hermánszeg, Penyige).


To test whether the positive results found in towns among older people mostly with secondary education in the first model program (Skype Care I) would be the same in a small town and backward region among lower educated digitally illiterate, lonely home care recipients over 75 years old having low income.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

The second intervention model programme, Skype Care II proved that even in a small town and backward region lonely digitally illiterate home care recipients over 75 years old could learn to use Skype with the help of young volunteers independent of their level of education. Barrier was However the poor infrastructure was a barrier as internet providers were not intending to invest in a backward region. In addition the worse financial situation compared with the former sample could result in negative effects, that is, because of their low pension older people won’t pay for internet access in the future.

Financed by: Hungarian Maltese Charity Service

Contact person: Zsuzsa Széman,