Relations between daily hassles, coping strategies and life satisfaction among elderly widows

Years of the research: 2014

Country: Bulgaria

Language: Bulgarian


  • coping strategy
  • elderly
  • life satisfaction
  • widow
  • women


This article provides a theoretical overview of the problems faced by elderly widows. 247 elderly widowed women, of whom 65% over the age of 75 years, participated in the study. Here is considered the extent to which daily hassles, coping strategies and life satisfaction are related. Step by step regression analysis showed that with the increase in the frequency of daily hassles, widows are more likely to take a distancing, self-criticism or active coping with problems. However, the regression parameters indicate that successful strategies are positive reevaluation and social support. By ANOVA we can see that the highest life satisfaction is reported by those widows who are engaged in employment and the highly educated elderly widows.


  • Liliya Babakova

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