Predictors of subjective age and emotional health in the elderly

Years of the research: 2015

Country: Russia

Language: Russian


  • ageing
  • chronological age
  • emotional health
  • old age
  • subjective age


This article describes the importance of the subjective age in understanding mental health in middle and old age. Concretized the concept of emotional health. Presents the factors influencing the self-perception of age in later life. Within the framework of empirical research shows that elderly persons have multiple co morbidity diseases, changes in emotional health are all factors influencing the subjective age and its components.


  • Melehin Aleksey
  • Sergienko Elena

Type of research: regional

Target group: Elderly


Study sample is 193 elderly persons. The sample was divided into three groups; 55-60 years (40 participants) ; 61-74 years (117 participants) and 75-90 years (36 participants)


The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship of cognitive status, presence of mood disorders, quality assessment of life and subjective age.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

Subjective age integrates biological and social factors of ageing and it can be considered as an integrative indicator of age-related changes in cognitive and physical functioning of the subject . Adequate assessment of the subjective impact age may help support remaining healthy and active in later ontogeny. Thus, the subjective age can be considered as a key predictor of psychological and physical well-being at the onset of maturity.

Publication/reports: Мелёхин А.И., Сергиенко Е.А. Предикторы субъективного возраста в пожилом и старческом возрасте // Эксперементалная психология. 2015. № 3. С. 185-201

Contact person: Melehin Aleksey, e-mail: