
Years of the research: 2007 - 2011

Country: Poland

Language: Polish


  • cohort
  • elderly


This is the first time that the population of the elderly is to be researched so thoroughly. (Previous research projects, such as “Polska starość” (Polish Old Age) or “WOBASZ Senior”, covered a considerably narrower scope of issues). The execution of this research project, the largest ever research project concerning the senior population, will require the involvement of a number of institutions and suppliers, and their extensive research data will be recorded in a shared database. POLSENIOR is an interdisciplinary programme whose objective is to provide data to more than 40 research institutes: each of the six main partners that carry out research projects under the programme, co-operates with several other institutions. The project will be implemented by an interdisciplinary team comprising experts in various fields, such as: medicine (including a whole range of specialists, for example, geriatricians, internists, cardiologists, neurologists, nephrologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, epidemiologists, rheumatologists, and others); molecular biology; sociology; psychology; economics; and demographics. The research population: within the three years, for which project execution has been planned, we will interview a total of approximately 5,000 people aged 65 or over and, additionally, a reference group of people just about to enter their old age (55-59). All the data collected during the project will be held in a single database which will allow an in-depth analysis of the material obtained in the project and facilitate better conclusions. The results of the research will be published in a book and will be presented as a report to the Client and to the individuals responsible for the long-term health and social policies of the State.


  • no data

Type of research: national


The research sample will consist of 5,100 respondents aged 65 – 90+, split into 5-year age cohorts, with 850 respondents in each. Moreover, a reference group of people who are just about to enter their old age (i.e., aged 55 – 59) will be surveyed. The sampling process is a multi-stage procedure designed to yield a nationally representative sample of people aged 65 and older. Research participants will be recruited in bundles, in a stratified and proportional draw. In addition, a sub-group of respondents, to be drawn from the research population in a representative manner, will take part in an in-depth study. For the two oldest groups (i.e., 85-89 and 90+) it is possible that a different sample selection method will be used (a quota sample), due to the presence of a relatively small number of people of these ages in the population and expected problems with reaching such respondents (who often live at an address other than their official address).


The respondents selected for the survey will be interviewed in detail, using a medical and a socio-economic questionnaire. Blood tests and additional tests will be performed. The selected group will be examined by geriatricians (geriatric medicine physicians). Part of the biological material collected will be banked, for scientific tests to be performed, both under the current project and in the future.The interview will include two hour-long visits at the respondent’s home, to conduct the interviews and perform the planned tests. Blood samples for testing will be taken during the third visit. The interviewers will be obliged to inform the respondent about the subsequent stages of the research and to obtain the respondent’s consent to carry out the full scope of the research.

Online publication/reports/links:

Financed by: Komitet Badań Naukowych

Contact person: Dr M. Mossakowska, malgosia@iimcb.gov.pl