National Project Strategy of Active Ageing

Years of the research: 2012 - 2013

Country: Slovakia

Language: Slovak


  • 50+
  • active ageing
  • age management
  • age-sensitive approach
  • discrimination
  • employer
  • equal opportunity
  • labour market
  • older worker
  • retirement strategy


  • Zora Bútorová
  • Jarmila Filadelfiová
  • Sylvia Šumšalová


Representative survey #1: sample size: app. 1000 respondents aged 50-64 plus 200 unemployed respondents and working pensioners. Survey # 2: 300 representatives of companies (from private and public sphere) employing more than 20 workers. Ten in-depth interviews based on a semi-standardized scenario, with employers and trade union representatives.


To analyze the situation of people 50+ on the labour market (with special attention paid to employed people in pre-retirement age; unemployed people; working pensioners). To analyze the attitudes of employers towards ageing workers.

Publication/reports: 1) Zora Bútorová – Katarína Cimmermanová – Gabriela Dovaľová – Jarmila Filadelfiová – Ján Košta, J. – Milan Štefánik – Sylvia Šumšalová: Analýza exogénnych a endogénnych faktorov ovplyvňujúcich účasť starších na trhu práce. Štúdia pre Národný projekt Stratégia aktívneho starnutia. Bratislava, CV MPSVR SR 2013. 2) Zora Bútorová, Katarína Cimermanová, Gabriela Dováľová, Jarmila Filadelfiová, Ján Košta: Odporúčania nástrojov na zmenu postojov a názorov na aktívne starnutie na základe výsledkov empirického prieskumu. Štúdia pre Národný projekt Stratégia aktívneho starnutia. Bratislava, CV MPSVR SR 2013.