Marriage and Cohabitation in Later Age

Years of the research: 2008 - 2009

Country: Czech Republic

Language: Czech


  • ageing
  • family
  • repartnering


The article focuses on the union formation among the population 50+. Using the SHARE data, it compares 13 European countries and shows that the highest likelihood to enter into a new union is in Scandinavia, lowest in Southern and Central Europe.


  • Dana Hamplová

Target group: single and (re)partnered individuals aged 50-69 across European countries


2008 - 2009 (third SHARE wave) N= from 925 in Austria up to 3184 in Greece


To characterize the union formation in later life. Data from SHARELIFE allow us to evaluate the topic of residential unions in older age.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

New marriages and new residential unions are common among single men and women in older age. The study shows differences among European countries.

Online publication/reports/links:

Financed by: Project with public funding

Contact person: Hamplová, Dana -