Years of the research: 2004 - 2008
Country: Czech Republic
Language: Czech
Media play a major role in the construction of the meaning of old age in societies of late modernity. Foreigner researches frequently evaluate media representation of old age as negative, stereotypical and unfavourable. How is the situation of the Czech media? This paper provides up-dated insight into the media content and analyses news coverage of three Czech national TV-channels issued in 2004. Content analysis and technique of interpretative reading was applied to main news services. Text is focused on topics covered and on context frame of represented events. According to our results older people are underrepresented in terms of the amount of information as well as its variability. Analysis of language and frequently used labels shows signs of infotainment in the representation of old age in television news services.
Target group: media posts about ageing
2004 N=261, 2008 N= 439
To analyse media coverage of the topic of old age. Media powerfully shape public attitudes towards social topics. In the age of demographic ageing, old age is one of them.
Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:
There has been a significant increase in the number of media posts about old age between the research that took place in 2004 and the recent in 2008. Media covers the topic of old age and ageing in the context of topics such as: politics, criminality, economy, tragic events, social work, culture, health and life history.
Publication/reports: Magál, Slavomír, Miloš Mistrík, Martin Solík (eds.) 2009. Masmediálna komunikácia a Realita I. Trnava: Fakulta masmediálnej komunikácie.
Financed by: Specific research at universities
Contact person: Sedláková, Renáta -