Years of the research: 2011
Country: Czech Republic
Language: Czech
This article discusses the theme of grandfatherhood in comparison with grandmotherhood. In the Czech Republic there is a lack of research on grandfathers and foreign researchers too started to focus on grandfathers only recently. There is no consistent theoretical conception of grandparenthood so this article focuses on different contexts of grandparenthood such as gender stereotypes, demographic and social changes or overloaded role of ageing individuals. It also introduces factors influencing the caring for children by grandfathers. The analysis of SHARE data then examines the influence of those factors on frequency of care provided to grandchildren by their grandparents and compares grandfathers and grandmothers. The analysis confirmed the influence of marital status, age, health, economic activity and the number of grandchildren. The article also makes the recommendations for further research of grandfatherhood and their roles within family.
Target group: grandfathers, grandmothers, grandparents
N grandfathers = 826, N grandmothers = 1580
Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:
The stereotypical approach towards grandfathers as not willing to take care of grandchildren has declined, however significant gender differences in the amount of care were found.
Online publication/reports/links:
Financed by: Specific research at universities