From Inclusive Identities to Inclusive Societies: Exploring Complex Social Identity in the Western Balkans

Years of the research: 2014 - 2016

Country: Serbia

Language: Serbian


  • discrimination
  • ethnic
  • minority
  • regional
  • social identity


In post - conflict societies the mayor disparities reflect the specific ethnic and religious composition and give evidence of institutionalized discrimination. Minority groups are often socially deprived with unequal access to resources. A great deal of recent social - psychological research repeatedly confirms a strong connection between the inclusiveness of individuals' identities with their support for inclusiveness of the society as a whole (Bodenhausen, 2010). In order to enhance regional and in – country cohesion, more inclusive religious and ethnic identities as well as alternative identities (European, regional, gender, sub-cultural) need to be cultivated, beside ethnic and religious ones . One important route to it is to define the conditions that foster complex social identity (SIC) . The relevant research has demonstrated that people with more complex social identities show higher inter -group tolerance, are more ready to volunteer and be socially active and also, are more likely to endorse social policies relevant to out - groups. This project aims to develop a complex research design intended to deeply explore antecedents and consequences of SIC in the selected countries.


  • Partners: 1. Faculty of Philosophy
  • Belgrade; 2. Faculty of Philosophy
  • Skopje; 3. Faculty of Philosophy
  • Banja Luka ; 4. Sarajevo School of Science and Technology 5.Individual researchers from Macedonia and Kosovo

Type of research: regional

Target group: young people in Western Balkan countries, ethnically homogenous/ heterogeneous


To explore via interviews the nature and structure of social identity among young people in Western Balkan countries; establish similarities and differences in different social contexts (different countries, different microenvironments - ethnically homogenous or heterogeneous, from the perspective of minority or majority, different socio – demographic background); To explore the relationships between social identity complexity and a number of socially relevant attitudes and behaviours : social dominance orientation, political cynicism, trust in institutions, conservatism - liberalism, attitudes and distance towards out - groups, attitudes toward anti-discrimination policy (i.e. affirmative action) and civic activism; To define contexts that foster complex social identity.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

Expected Outputs: Articles in relevant international peer reviewed journals (at least two); Presentations at regional and international scientific conferences (minimum ten); A book containing the project results; Detailed list of policy recommendations; Recommendations for design and valuation of relevant policies; Description of measures for SIC development and promotion; Policy brief: communication with the main stakeholders (in addition, more “technical” documents: ‘state of the art’ in the field, national and synthetic reports from field research).

Financed by: RRPP Research Project

Contact person: Nebojša Petrović