Features of formation of socio-cultural identity in old age

Years of the research: 2013

Country: Russia

Language: Russian


  • attitude
  • identity
  • locality
  • old people
  • sociocultural


The author cites the results of an empirical study of socio-cultural identity characteristic of old people by an example of research on territorial identity. The study was based on a comparative analysis of two respondent groups divided on the principle of people reaching a pension age (females over 55 and males over 60), that is, of pensioneers and those who still worked.


  • Krasnova Olga

Type of research: regional

Target group: Elderly, middle-aged people


Study sample comprised 133 participants; sample divided by age; middle age (29-49) 68 participants; Late middle age (50-59) 32 participants; elderly (60-83) 33 participants


Aim: explore the socio-cultural identity of older people on the example of the study of territorial identity.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

The results showed that the groups have both common and different features in territorial identity, or local residence identity, which made it possible to trace its formation. Concrete future are those respondents who feel most at home when the house is the family. Uncertain future are those respondents whose health leaves much to be desired.

Publication/reports: Краснова О.В. Особенности становления социокультурной идентичности в пожилом возрасте // Современная социальная психология: теоретические подходы и прикладные исследования. 2013. № 2. С 47-72

Contact person: Krasnova Olga Viktorovna, e-mail: ovkrasnova60@gmail.com