Enhancing the Rights of Older People and Unitizing their Potential through Active Ageing

Years of the research: 2012 - 2013

Country: Slovakia

Language: Slovak


  • active ageing
  • early retirement
  • labour market
  • policy
  • society


  • Zora Bútorová
  • Jarmila Filadelfiová
  • Sylvia Šumšalová
  • Bernardína Bodnárová
  • Peter Guráň


Representative survey: sample size: app. 1000 respondents aged 18 +


To analyze the situation of people in pre-retirement and early retirement age (health, work, equal opportunities, family, political participation, retirement strategies and experiences).

Publication/reports: Zora Bútorová (ed.): Štvrtý rozmer tretieho veku. Desať kapitol o aktívnom starnutí (The fourth Dimension of the Third Age. Ten Chapters on Active Ageing). Bratislava, Institute for Public Affairs 2013 (available at http://www.ivo.sk/7241/en).

Online publication/reports/links:

Financed by: Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic

Contact person: Zora Bútorová, zbutorova@atlas.sk