Elderly People in the Labour Market: Reality and Prospects

Years of the research: 2014

Country: Bulgaria

Language: Bulgarian


  • ageing
  • elderly
  • labour market
  • 50+


The article discusses the status of older people in the labour market. Emphasis is placed on the negative demographic changes in Bulgaria, which affect the quality and quantity of the labour force. In an ageing population, the issue of the search for alternatives for greater involvement of people over 50 in the labour market and increase of their contribution to society is objectively on the agenda. Who are those people and how are they able to be competitive in the context of today's dynamic environment are questions that we will try to answer.


  • Kamelia Petkova

Publication/reports: Petkova, K., (2014) Elderly people in the labour market: reality and prospects, IN: Demographic situation and development in Bulgaria, Sofia: "Prof. Marin Drinov". pp.703-714

Contact person: Kamelia Petkova, kamelia.petkova@gmail.com