Elder-friendly house

Years of the research: 2003 - 2005

Country: Hungary

Language: Hungarian


  • care
  • home help
  • obstacle free home
  • older people


The goal of the 3-year model programme was to show that frail older people could continue living at home safely and independently despite their changed functions and the deterioration in their health if the obstacles in their homes are removed and their immediate environment is adapted to their loss of functions, and that it would have a remarkable cost effective impact on the macro level as well.


  • Zsuzsa Széman
  • Zoltán Tarnai
  • Péter Pottyondy

Type of research: longitudinal research, action research, regional (Capital/Budapest 3rd district, a big town/Debrecen and a rural region)

Target group: older people 75+ who received at least one of the following types of aid: a) home help, b) home care with emergency alarm system, c) elderly persons cared for by a family carer receiving a nursing allowance, mainly persons living alone, Average age was 80


1st step: 1st survey of 150 older people 2nd step selection of a subgroup of 20 persons for alterations to flats to prevent falls. 3rd step after 9 months measure of effects of alteration (prevention of falls) and selection of a further 30 persons for alteration 4th step final evaluation 2003-2004 survey, mapping, alteration of 20 flats, measure of change in the life of older people and start on 30 new alterations. 2005 evaluation of results.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

The action research ended with many positive results: the elderly persons in need of care were able to continue living safely in their own homes for a longer time. After the alterations in the obstacle-free homes there were no more falls or their number was substantially reduced. There were no fractures so the elderly persons were not in need of hospitalisation or placement in a residential home. It became clear that the removal of a few obstacles at relatively low cost (eliminating differences in levels, providing non-slip floor coverings, changing the level of objects, etc.), met basic needs and resulted in a positive change in the quality of life. The costs of alteration undoubtedly represent a potential saving for the public sphere. The practice is welcomed also under no-public spending. Families of older people, or older people themselves, are glad to have this solution enabling them to continue independent life in their own home.

Publication/reports: Zsuzsa Széman-Pottyondy Péter (2006). Idősek otthon. Megszokott környezeteben nagyobb biztonságban. (Older people at home. Home environment - greater safety). Magyar Máltai Szeretetszolgálat. Budapest

Online publication/reports/links:

Financed by: The Ministry of Youth, Family and Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, 20 million HUF (approx. 78,000 EUR), (divided 300,000 Ft/1200 EURO/flat)

Contact person: Zsuzsa Széman, email: szemanzs@hu.inter.net