East Europeans in Global Care Chain

Years of the research: 2010

Country: Italy

Language: Romanian, Hungarian


  • care regime
  • gender
  • live-in care work
  • migration


The division of welfare and domestic labour is globally organised, as the welfare and domestic tasks are fulfilled through international collaboration. In order to solve the problems of demand for social services appearing in different systems, complex networks have been formed transnationally. In the background a global hierarchy is apparent, the differences in the norms, values and life-strategies motivate international migration. After 1989 mostly men and mainly the younger groups left the East European region and chose a migrant career temporally or for a longer term. In the 2000s the significance of women in the migration process has risen. They left behind them complicated economic and social situations in order to solve the problems with the help of international migration, but meanwhile they also caused important problems for the families and the community remaining at home.


  • Tünde Turai

Type of research: international

Target group: East European care givers in Italy.


I conducted interviews with 30 persons, but I observed a larger community.


The research aims to discover complex international migration processes and to interpret the phenomenon of the migrant care workers in a complex way (by utilising the perspectives of the sending and receiving side, too).

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

The research revealed the inner structure of the migrant care work: work types, work performed, work conditions, work organization, satisfactions and difficulties, discourses of care givers.

Financed by: Hungarian State Eötvös Scholarship

Contact person: Tünde Turai, tturai@yahoo.com