East European Women in the Global Care System

Years of the research: 2012 - 2016

Country: Hungary, Romania, Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Israel, Austria

Language: Hungarian, Romanian


  • care
  • gender
  • migration


The reproduction sector has been integrated into the global market and became a more and more important segment of it in the last few decades. This process opens up new questions on migration, hierarchy of countries and colonization of labor, encounter of the individual and global sphere, transnational family, patterns of emancipation, social care system, division between reproductive and productive work, commodification of care work, international mediation of this type of services etc. After the collapse of the iron curtain, Eastern and Central European women, just as Filipino and Latin American women had done formerly, entered the household sector taking shape within the global labour market. Due to the commercialization of the work of professional caregivers and its international export, it has become a sector which, although it is now institutionalised, has preserved family traits, therefore the framework of labour is flexible and the status of employee is unclear.


  • Tünde Turai

Type of research: national

Target group: Care givers, care receivers and employers.


I conducted interviews with 199 persons, but I observed a larger community.


The aim of the research is to discover complex international migration processes of Eastern Europe and to interpret the phenomenon of the migrant care workers in a complex way. There are more questions which need to be examined: organization of the care migration as a social and individual strategy, contribution to the social security system and medical care as skilled and unskilled workers, advantages and disadvantages (risks) of working in the domestic sector without institutional and formal protection, reproduction of the gender division of labour, and the consequences of the massive female migration in the sending communities.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

The project is in process.

Publication/reports: Időseket gondozó kelet- és közép-európai nők diskurzusa transznacionális életükről. Ethno-Lore XXXI. 2014. 311–338.

Financed by: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Bolyai János Research Fellowship