Development of strategies and practices for the elderly in urban areas of Central Europe

Years of the research: 2011 - 2014

Country: Czech Republic

Language: Czech


  • ageing
  • care solution
  • innovation
  • housing
  • social care


The project is to foster innovative housing and care solutions for elderly with a view to increase their autonomy as long as possible. The main goal is to analyse collecting data and find the possibilities of social care for elderly in Austria, Hungary, Slovak, Slovenia, Germany, Poland, Italy and Czech Republic.


  • Jana Havlíková

Target group: elderly, social services policies

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

The study differentiated the approach towards social care policies across states in Central Europe into three types - rudimental systems, advanced systems and mature systems.

Online publication/reports/links:

Financed by: An Operational Programme project