Coping competence in social work

Years of the research: 2013 - 2016

Country: Russia

Language: Russian


  • competence
  • social copetence
  • social work
  • professoinal deformation


Coping-research competence its influence on the institutionalization of social work and the seasoned professional activities.


  • Zaglodina Tatyana
  • Pankratova Larisa
  • Maslentseva Natalia

Type of research: regional

Target group: social workers, supervisors, students, graduates


Questionnaires and interviews semiformalized 450 social work specialists of Yekaterinburg in 2014-2015 GG to identify the causes and factors of professional deformation among the specialists of the social sphere. Quota sample, corresponds to the distribution quota signs in the structure of employees of institutions of social protection and social services for the city of Yekaterinburg;  content analysis of documents of organizations of social protection and social services to meet education officio experts of social sphere of the Sverdlovsk region;  analysis of sources and literature on the subject of elaboration of this subject in the study's authors,  included, formalized monitoring of the work of young specialists of the social sphere for the severity of their professional deformation;  interviews with specialists of the social sphere of state and public organizations. Quota sample, corresponds to the distribution quota signs in the structure of employees of institutions of social protection and social services for the city of Yekaterinburg.


Eximane the role of Coping strategies in prevention of professional deformation, investigate factors and reasons of professional risks and destructions.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

Define professional risks, reasons and factors, copping-copetence determinated by system risks factors, type of organization and social worker's qualification.

Online publication/reports/links:

Contact person: Zaglodina Tatyana,