Assessment of Policies and Measures to Encourage Active Ageing

Years of the research: 2014 - 2015

Country: Romania

Language: Romanian


  • active employment measures
  • economic
  • elderly
  • employment
  • employment law
  • mathematic
  • model
  • policy
  • social impact assessment


Social inequalities and economic gaps have widened alarmingly, and the harsh measures of internal devaluation affecting all categories of workers have had an adverse effect on the evolution of real GDP growth and therefore economic development that will be located in the most favourable scenario, half of the middle of the last decade (in this context the gap with the EU average in terms of standard of living will remain for the foreseeable future). From this perspective the need for a rational management of public finances should also be examined. In this context, it is imperative that Member States rank priorities promoting employment, to adopt radical measures designed to boost the economy, creating jobs and social cohesion and thus create the possibility of promoting a European society based on intergenerational solidarity, equity and mutual cooperation (Europe 2020). Increasing economic dependency as a result of demographic ageing has affected significantly the sustainability of public pension schemes and stressed the need to diversify pension schemes (multi - public and private). On the other side, the Europe 2020 strategy explicitly recognizes that the target of 75% employment for women and men between 20 and 64 years can be achieved only by increasing the employment of older workers. In this context, this research tries to find rational solutions to respond to these requirements.


  • Cătălin Ghinăraru
  • Gabriela Tudose
  • Adriana Alexandru Davidescu

Type of research: national

Target group: persons over 55 years


The purpose of the project and its main activity was to develop a set of policies aimed at active aging in line with structural changes in the labour market in Romania. The primary objective of the study was to quantify and to assess the impact of expenses related to measures to support the elderly, expressed as % of GDP on employment and unemployment rates among the elderly, based on complex econometric models. Specific objectives: Making a comparative analysis of the measures / policies to encourage active ageing existing at national level in Romania and in at least 5 other Member States of the European Union; identification of best practices and a set of policies with possible transferability to Romania; ex-post impact assessement of measures to encourage active ageing existing on the labour market; proposing a set of new policies / measures appropriate to the national context on active ageing; ex-ante impact assessment of the proposed measures to encourage active ageing; developing a tool for ex-post impact assessement of measures aimed at prolonging working lives.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

a) Comparative analysis regarding measures / policies to encourage active aging at national level in Romania and in 5 EU Member States, focused on the identification of potential portability in Romania; b) Report concerning the ex-post impact assessment of measures to encourage active ageing on the labour market; c) Recommendations for new policies / measures to encourage active ageing; d) Report concerning ex-ante impact assessment of the proposed measures oriented to increase the employment rate of older workers, including the financial impact; e) Tools for ex-post assessment impact of measures aimed at prolonging working lives of the elderly. The evaluated measures highlighted the relative effectiveness of measures dedicated to the workers over 45 years and other ineffective measures and allowed the development of new measures by improving the existing ones. Active measures induce a change in the labor market and this kind of change requires quick design changes so active policies to be able to generate permanent employment increases. In the legislative field, this translates into practical necessity to legislate more often than so far.

Online publication/reports/links:

Financed by: National - Research Sectoral Plan of the Ministry of Labour, Family and Social Protection

Contact person: Gabriela Tudose,