Ageing of the Czech society - objective characteristics and subjective perception

Years of the research: 2007 - 2012

Country: Czech Republic

Language: Czech


  • age
  • age discrimination
  • ageing
  • demography


This chapter gives a basic overview of demography of ageing Czech society and with the results of Ageism survey shows attitudes towards old age, ageing, and older people in the Czech society.


  • no data

Target group: Czech population


2007, 2012


To overview the topic of population ageing in Czech society and public perception of this phenomenon. This is a chapter in a study that deals with topics connected to the experience of ageing and the need of care in older age.

Findings/outcome/conclusion/research questions:

The share of elderly in population is increasing and thus it is important to monitor and evaluate the approach towards this population group. This study shows that the approach is shifting.

Publication/reports: Gerontologie: současné otázky z pohledu biomedicíny a společenských věd

Financed by: Project with public funding

Contact person: Vidovićová, Lucie -