About Some Problems of Geriatric Practice

Years of the research: 2012

Country: Bulgaria

Language: Bulgarian


  • geriatric practice
  • health professional
  • patience
  • professional difficulty
  • training


The study establishes and analyses the specific difficulties of the occupational health professionals in providing medical and social assistance for old people, and specifies the educational needs in the field of gerontology and geriatric practice. Respondents are 940 professionals in health care and 935 persons are consumers of health care over 60 years of age in 10 cities across the country. The main reasons for the difficulties of health professionals in taking care for their patients are identified. According to 2/3 of the adult patients responding, communication skills, patience and responsiveness are the mostly needed qualities that health professionals have to possess besides their professional competence for implementation of treatment and care. Based on the survey data, recommendations for improving healthcare for the elderly and adapting the educational training of health professionals were prepared in order to meet the requirements for competent geriatric care in Bulgaria.


  • Polina Balkanska
  • Teodor Popov

Type of research: national

Online publication/reports/links:

Contact person: Polina Balkanska, p_balkanska@abv.bg